How to Handle Mandatory, but Non-Sequential Stages and Transitions

How to Handle Mandatory, but Non-Sequential Stages and Transitions

I'd like to make Orchestly really drive our processes in our company. One place where it would be really useful is managing periodic processes. As an example, we have end-of-month, quarterly, and annual activities that have lots of individual things that need to get done across several functions, and these items are unordered - done in parallel, not series. And they all have to be done (or recorded as skipped) for the overall activity group to be done.

A simple example would be an end-of-month clean. There are several individual tasks, sweeping, mopping, cleaning out machines, taking out garbage, etc. Each task needs to be done, but there's no specific order. When I put together the blueprint, it seems like I either have enforce a specific order or it treats each action as if it's one possible route to completion rather than a necessary step.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to do what I want to do?