Orchestly - Vision and Roadmap?

Orchestly - Vision and Roadmap?

I'm curious, what is the vision and roadmap for Orchestly? What does Zoho want it to be when it grows up? And what is that growing-up timeline?

Orchestly is being pitched as a way to manage workflows and SOPs, but the actual software at this point seems to be extremely bare-bones.

What it looks like to me is that what we're currently seeing is the back-end for automation and planning. Which is a good thing, in that this is a critical part for making a complete management platform that ties in with the rest of the Zoho ecosystem.

Unfortunately, this is extremely limiting, to the point where the software isn't really useful at all for many use cases beyond those that start with a form submission and end with an approval of said form.

The biggest missing piece, in my mind, is an integrated way to actually document, present, and track the human part of these processes. Without that ability to document what people should be doing in a particular stage or transition, there's no way for a blueprint to really become an SOP.

If intended to house SOPs as marketed, stages or transitions need to allow for robust documentation / instructions (including pictures or video), multi-step checklists that can be ticked off as items are accomplished, and input fields for automation. I realize some of this is currently available, but not the key parts of documentation and checklists that can be worked through over time.

It seems like there's a decent foundation laid for the backbone of automation. Does Zoho intend to develop the other aspects to really turn this into a useable SOP documentation and management platform? What is the future of Orchestly, and what is the timeline for that development?