Tip #22: Parallel Transitions in Orchestly

Tip #22: Parallel Transitions in Orchestly

Do your team(s) perform multiple business operations simultaneously in order to reach the next stage of the business process?
Are you puzzled on how to take up the parallel activities while you design your process workflows?
We received multiple queries on 'Parallel Transitions'. Few of them are highlighted below.


  • "Is it possible to handle parallel processes in Orchestly? We have three teams working simultaneously to reach the next stage of the blueprint. How can we set it up?"
  • "We require a feature control multiple activities in parallel. One instance should have multiple transitions at a certain moment."
  • "Is it possible to add parallel business activities while we also control the sequences of actions happening during the activity?"


We're glad to be receiving queries, and YES!  It's possible to do all of it in Orchestly.
Orchestly's parallel transitions helps you perform multiple operations before you move to the next stage of the workflow blueprint. There are no constraints in the order in which these parallel transitions are performed.
Use case 1

Zylker, a software company, runs parallel testing activities like Browser testing, Device testing, and OS testing simultaneously. This keeps the workflow organized and saves time. 


The parallel transitions used in this use case are Browser testing, Device testing, and OS testing between the stages - 'Testing phase' and 'Launch product'.



Use case 2
Cindler, an international bank, uses Orchestly's parallel transitions to open new bank accounts and process initial payments easily.


The parallel transitions used in this use case are-
1. Credit card issued and Open account between the stages - 'Application submitted to bank' and 'Bank account created'.
2. Register your mobile number, Change PIN and Bank notification - email  between the stages - 'Credit card PIN change - Net banking' and 'Ready to initiate cash transfer'.
Let us know how Orchestly's parallel transitions ease up your workflow design.
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