Product Updates for Orchestly

Product Updates for Orchestly

Orchestly has been up and running for a couple of months now and our journey has been worthwhile all along. We’ve rolled out some interesting features and enhancements. Meanwhile, we’ve been working on a few integrations too. Here is a list of our recent updates: 

REST APIs in custom functions

Orchestly’s custom functions can now be invoked using OAuth 2.0 protocol. OAuth 2.0’s secure mode of authentication allows users to actively access Orchestly’s REST APIs. Learn more about the different authentication methods supported by Orchestly. 

Custom email domain

You can customize the 'From' address of email notifications sent from Orchestly by customizing the email domain settings. This option allows you to send personalized notifications with your organization’s email address in the sender field. Learn how to customize the email domain.

Currency fields in layouts

With regard to our customer request, we rolled out a new field in layouts to manage currency related information. Currency fields support a variety of currency types and formats. Learn how to use currency fields. 

Tagging users in comments 

You can now mention users in job comments. The tagged users will receive notifications about the comment with a link to the job. Learn how to tag users in comments.

What's in our pipeline?

  • You will soon be able to work with Orchestly from MS Teams. Our integration is almost complete and will be live soon.
  • We're also integrating with Zoho Sign- allowing users to add signature to their documents. 
  • We’re working on document merge supported by Zoho Writer which lets you add attachments automatically to the emails sent from Orchestly.
  • Zapier and Zoho Flow has already integrated with Orchestly. We will be wrapping up things from our end pretty soon.
  • SLAs for Orchestly is also under development. 

You can keep a track of our monthly updates in our  What's new page. If you have any questions or suggestions, leave a comment below or email us at