Tip #7: Spreadsheets vs Orchestly to manage your organization

Tip #7: Spreadsheets vs Orchestly to manage your organization

A conventional method of managing work in most organizations is via spreadsheets and documents. These software might help track the jobs at a basic level but has its setbacks. 

If you have been using spreadsheets/documents, ask yourself the following questions. 

Limitations of spreadsheets/documents 

  • How do you track the real-time progress of jobs in your organization?
  • Are your spreadsheets user-friendly while collaborating with multiple users?
  • Will you be able to view the recent updates to your sheet?
  • Can you hide confidential information from specific users?
  • Will you be able to send automatic notifications to users once a job is assigned to them? 

If you’re looking to perform all of these actions in a hassle-free automation software, Orchestly should be your optimal choice. 

In case you have been using spreadsheets to track work now, you can directly take the leap from spreadsheets to Orchestly without any data loss by importing your files to Orchestly. Orchestly supports data import from XLS, XLSX, and CSV files. Learn more about importing jobs from our knowledge base.


Why choose Orchestly over spreadsheets

  • Digitized workflows: Your organization's workflow can be streamlined and digitized using Orchestly. First, capture the data using digital forms called Layouts and later build flowcharts to automate your process using Blueprints.
  • Automated tracking: The end-to-end progress of a job can be tracked using Orchestly. At any given point of time, you can gain a perspective on the exact status of the job.
  • Protecting confidential data: Access Control in Orchestly allows you to define individual user permissions by assigning Roles and Profiles to the users, thereby restricting access to sensitive data.
  • Automated notifications: Notifications are automatically sent to users when a job is assigned to them. Also, associated users will be notified about job updates.
  • Visualizing efficiency: Reports in Orchestly lets you gain insights into your process. You can track the headways or bottlenecks of all your processes using Reports.

If you have any questions or suggestions about importing jobs in Orchestly, leave a comment below or email us at support@orchestly.com