Tip #11: How to optimize automation with Business Rules in Orchestly

Tip #11: How to optimize automation with Business Rules in Orchestly

Orchestly’s business rules received a recent facelift to accommodate multiple criteria and actions. You can now add up to 10 criteria for each business rule and configure instant as well as scheduled actions within it. 
If you are wondering how useful this feature could be for your organization, here is a quick business scenario to relate.
Sam, a banking assistant, is assigned the task of screening loan applicants. On approving an applicant, Sam creates a new Job in Orchestly filling in the details of the loan. Depending on the Loan Type, the job must be assigned to the corresponding team viz., housing loan, personal loan, educational loan, and so on. To automate such job assignments, Business Rules can be used.

Here, when the Loan Type is Personal Loan, the job is assigned to the personal loan team and a reminder about the job is scheduled to the team after 3 days. When the Loan Type is Home Loan, the job is assigned to the corresponding team and an email is scheduled to the applicant after a day. If the Loan Type field is not filled, or if the field is filled with any other value, the Branch Manager will be notified. 
Similarly, you can automate events or chain of events in your organization using Business Rules. We hope this feature is helpful. Let us know your suggestions and feedback in the comments below.
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