Tip #13: Create repetitive jobs automatically in Orchestly

Tip #13: Create repetitive jobs automatically in Orchestly

Automating repetitive tasks allows us to improve consistency in the services we provide and lets us focus on other important tasks. It also eliminates manual errors and leverages time to increase productivity.
Orchestly, in addition to workflow automation, allows us to create repetitive jobs automatically. This can be implemented using two different methods: 

Method 1: Create a new job when another job finishes

Blueprints in Orchestly can be used to create a new job when an existing job is completed.
User requirement: We use 2 different processes in Orchestly to interview candidates and onboard them to the organization. Can we automate job creation in employee onboarding process once a job in the interview process gets completed?
Solution: Yes. Orchestly can automatically create a new onboarding job at the end of the interview job. To configure this,
  • Navigate to the last transition of Employee Interview Blueprint.
  • Under After transitions, associate the ‘Create_Job’ custom function from the Function Gallery.
    • You can also write your own custom function to create a job.
  • Configure the custom function with details of the new onboarding job and publish the blueprint. 


Method 2: Create a new job when another job starts

Business Rules in Orchestly can be used to create a new job when another job starts.
User requirement: When a new employee onboarding job is created, can we create yet another new job in our Finance layout to start finance procedures for our employees?
Solution: Yes. Orchestly can automatically create a new finance job when an onboarding job is created. To configure this,
  • Navigate to Business Rules and create a new rule.
  • In the Rule Details section, select Onboarding Layout in the Layout dropdown and choose the execution condition as Creating a Job.
  • Under Criteria and Actions section, select All Jobs and associate ‘Create_Job’ custom function from the Function Gallery under Instant Actions.
    • You can configure specific criteria to trigger job creation here.
    • You can also write your own custom function to create a job.
  • Configure the custom function with details of the new finance job to be created and save the business rule.

Similarly, job creation can be automated while updating a job, updating a field, adding a comment, updating a comment, or performing any transition too.
Try this out and let us know your comments. If you have a similar requirement in your organization, leave a comment below or email us at support@orchestly.com.   
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