Tip #14: Move Jobs through Blueprints in Orchestly

Tip #14: Move Jobs through Blueprints in Orchestly

While we automate processes with well-planned workflows, at times we might require jobs to go through several blueprints to accomplish a business process.

To facilitate this, Orchestly allows users to move jobs between blueprints. It can either be done manually using the Move option or automated using Custom Functions.  

Let us explore the business cases to automatically move jobs between blueprints using custom functions.

Case 1: Move Jobs to another blueprint when the current blueprint finishes 

Consider blueprints 'A' and 'B'. We may require jobs to move from blueprint 'A' -> 'B' once the process in blueprint 'A' is complete.

For example, the recruitment process of a company involves interviewing the candidates, hiring them, and later on-boarding. So, a recruitment job has to complete the process of 'Hiring' blueprint, and then move to the 'Employee Onboarding' blueprint .


This can be automated using custom functions Once a candidate reaches the 'Hired' stage, the associated custom function moves the job to 'Employee Onboarding' blueprint. Now, the job moves through the onboarding process.


Case 2: Move Jobs between master and child blueprints 

We may require jobs to move from a master blueprint to a child blueprint and back to the master once the job is completed in the child blueprint.

For example, once the job reaches the stage 'Delivery' in Purchase Order Blueprint, the child blueprint 'Shipping' is triggered via custom functions. After the shipping process is completed, the job moves back to the master blueprint.


We use a similar  parent-child blueprint  in our team to move jobs between different blueprints.

Let us know your unique way of using custom functions in Orchestly in the comments below.  

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