Tip #18: Assign jobs to users dynamically using Orchestly

Tip #18: Assign jobs to users dynamically using Orchestly

Note: The techniques mentioned in this article are Early Access features. If you'd like to try this out, please email our support team at support@orchestly.com. We'd be delighted to enable our new updates for you!
Organizations run on different strategies. What works for one organization might not necessarily work for the other as the structure and approach varies. Similarly, even if we define a standard workflow for our teams, a few jobs might challenge the complexity of our workflow.
Assigning jobs to the right users is one such common challenge. Some jobs might be straightforward enough to be assigned to an individual user, role, or team. However, others might have complex requirements. To help users handle such complex job assignments, we support dynamic user assignment in Orchestly.

Map assignee using User Dropdown Field  

Certain workflows might involve multiple teams or team members. If there are a defined set of users who will perform different steps in the workflow, they can be assigned to transitions right while creating the blueprint. However, if your organization requires users to be assigned only at the instant of job creation, user dropdown fields in layouts can be used.
Create a user dropdown field in your layout to select a user while creating the job. In the associated Blueprint, use Update Fields option in the After section of transition to update the Assignee with the user selected in the dropdown field.

Here, Reviewer is a user dropdown field that allows us to map assignee dynamically. 

Assign jobs back to the user who performed the previous action 

There might be certain transitions that can be executed or performed by more than one user (Learn who can perform a job). In such instances, if there are queries about a transition, we can redirect the job right to the exact user who performed the previous transition rather than identifying the specific user manually.
For example, in a reimbursement process, the reimbursement requests filed by employees can be approved or rejected by anyone from the finance team. Once a request is rejected, if the employee requires clarifications, they can click ‘Request Clarifications’. For the job to be assigned exactly to the finance team member who performed the previous transition, 
  1. Create a user dropdown field and use Update Fields option in the After section of Reject transition to capture the Action Performer.
  2. Now, configure Update Fields option in the After section of Request Clarification transition to set ‘Assignee=user dropdown field’.

Here, Capture action performer is the user dropdown field which helps in dynamic user assignment.
Let us know if this feature is helpful for your workflow. Also, do email our support team if you'd like to try this Early Access feature in your organization. 

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