Tip #19: Why should we set up criteria in Business Rules?

Tip #19: Why should we set up criteria in Business Rules?

Business Rules in Orchestly help you automate your business processes by defining  pre-defined actions that has to be performed when specific conditions occur. To do so, you can specify when the business rule is to be executed, and also add a criteria the rule has to match with.

Business Rules can be used when you want to automate processes without a manual input, hence, quickening the overall process time, and letting you focus on the stages that are more important.

What is the role of criteria in Business Rules?
Setting criteria in Business Rules allows you to filter jobs based on a condition and execute instant or scheduled actions based on the set criteria. 

How can criteria be applied to Business Rules?

You can set criteria in business rules for any of the below three conditions.
1. Jobs meeting certain criteria - This option helps you filter jobs based on specific criteria.  
2. All Jobs - This option is to include all jobs.  
3. Jobs that do not meet any of the above criteria - This option helps you filter jobs that do not fit any other criteria configured in the business rule (This will be considered only if all other options are not true). Note that it  only appears when more than one criteria is added.



Business scenarios for criteria in Business Rules 

1. Zylker sets up a business rule for email alerts to be sent to the team when a job is created. For example, if the field 'Team' is assigned to 'Warehouse', then the email alerts should be sent to the Warehouse team's email address.

2.  ZiaxCare, a supply chain management company, uses the 'Business Rule' feature to create a new job every time the supply chain workflow reaches the 'Testing' phase of the product.
Along with the new job creation, we can also notify the clients about their shipping status after 2 hours. 

3.  Kisong, a solar company, on boards their employees using criteria set by them using Business Rules in Orchestly. 

Let us know your unique way of using criteria in Business Rules in the comments below.  
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