Tip #20: Onboard teams easily and assign access privileges in Orchestly

Tip #20: Onboard teams easily and assign access privileges in Orchestly

Onboarding a new software is very crucial for both the employer and employee. To make it smooth, Orchestly allows you to onboard your whole team easily and helps you decide the level of access privilege each employee must be provided. This can be done by setting the right Profiles and Roles to the employees.


To give you a brief understanding, Profiles in Orchestly helps you define a hierarchy based on the responsibilities held by an individual in your organization. You can define the type of access for each profile. Role is a designation given to a user in Orchestly. You can define this based on their job role, or position within the organization.  


Zylker, a software company, onboards their team to Orchestly. While adding every new user to the account, Orchestly provides an option to add a suitable profile for the user. Here are a few things you should know before selecting a profile for a user.
Orchestly, by default, provides 4 profiles - Admin, Service Admin, Manager, and User.
These profiles come with some default settings - Job Level Permissions, Audit Level Permissions, and Field Level Permissions. However, you can always change the default settings of these profiles (except Admin), and also create new custom profiles based on the requirement.

Before mapping a profile to a user, comprehend and analyze the type of permission  to allow the user to view, access, and manage the business processes in your organization.

Here's a quick example. If Zylker only wants its managers, and other senior management staffs to access Settings  to create layouts, blueprints, business rules, email templates and so on, they can enable the Settings toggle button.

Similarly, you can enable/disable other permissions with respect to the profile. Now, when you associate an individual with a specific profile, the individual can view/edit/delete/assign/manage based on the settings you have configured for that particular profile.


Let us know your unique way of configuring settings for each profile in the comments below.  

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