Tip #23: Automate decision-making in workflows using Orchestly

Tip #23: Automate decision-making in workflows using Orchestly

A McKinsey survey states that an average employee spends more than 30 percent of their working time on decision-making. While big-bet decisions demand your time and resource, spending too much time on recurring decisions might end up pricey for the organization.

What are recurring decisions?

Decisions, small or large, consuming your time every day or every time an activity occurs, can be categorized as recurring decisions. Here are a few examples: 
  • Finalizing a vendor based on reviews and quotation prize
  • Approving low-cost loans based on credit scores or
  • Scheduling product updates with respect to due dates, and so on.  

How to automate recurring decisions?

Orchestly supports dynamic decision-making with blueprint transitions. Transitions can be automated using one or more conditions, wherein the transition takes place automatically only when the set condition is satisfied. 

Let us consider automating the change management workflow. While changes can be of different types, the timeline within which it must be implemented must be decided by the person incharge. A few changes might require emergency implementation, whereas others can be implemented in a longer timeline.
To automate such timeline related decisions in the workflow, the transitions ‘Start emergency implementation’ and ‘Start step-by-step implementation’ can be automated by condition.

When either of the conditions is satisfied, the corresponding transition takes place and the workflow progresses automatically. Similarly, all your recurring decisions can be automated using Blueprints in Orchestly.
Learn more about automating the end-to-end change management process from our tutorials.
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