Tip #24: Convert jobs to Zoho Desk tickets from Orchestly

Tip #24: Convert jobs to Zoho Desk tickets from Orchestly

Do you want to convert your scattered customer queries in Orchestly to tickets in Zoho Desk, so you can focus on the queries/issues exclusively and keep teams informed on updates?


Well! All you need is to implement custom functions -   Create_Ticket_in_Zoho_Desk and Post_and_Update_Comments_in_Zoho_Desk , and get it all sorted!
Orchestly's Custom functions allows you to create user-defined functions which helps you connect and automate processes, and also integrate with other Zoho or third-party applications.

Business Case

Kibernics, a food-delivery app, uses Orchestly to add and manage the restaurants listed in their app. To stay listed on the app, the restaurants must meet certain criteria along with licenses to run the restaurant.
If a restaurant has a query, all they need to do is - create a job or comment. It gets converted in to a ticket in Zoho Desk. This helps Kibernics handle their restaurant partners' queries flawlessly without having to search through each job in Orchestly.


Wondering how to configure this in your Orchestly account?

Here is a step-by-step approach to configure the custom functions.
Create ticket in Zoho Desk 

Step 1 
  • Navigate to Function Gallery and select the function Create_Ticket_in_Zoho_Desk. Configure it to create a ticket in Zoho Desk every time a job is created in Orchestly.
  • Establish connection for the Custom Function. Then, provide permission for Deluge IN to access Orchestly and Desk for information. Once the connection is successful, configure the connection details in the custom function. 
  • Click Save to save your custom function.


Step 2
  • To trigger this custom function, create a business rule.
  • The business rule will be triggered every time a new job is created in the 'Food Delivery App' layout. 
Step 3
  • Once a job is created in the associated layout, the business rule triggers the custom function.
  • You can visualize how the job is converted to a ticket with the help of the video given below. 

Post and update comments in Zoho Desk

Similarly, you can also add or update comments to Zoho Desk whenever they are added or updated in Orchestly's jobs.
Follow steps 1 and 2 from "Create_Ticket_in_Zoho_Desk".
Once a comment is added/updated in the job of the associated layout, you can now visualize how the comment in the job is converted in to a ticket, in the screenshot below.

For a more detailed explanation, check out the reference documents - Post_and_Update_Comments_in_Zoho_Desk and Create_Ticket_in_Zoho_Desk.
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