Tip #28: Using field title and label in Orchestly

Tip #28: Using field title and label in Orchestly

Layouts in Orchestly allows you to create numerous fields along with its properties. Fields are usually created in order to facilitate and collect data from users, that can help organizations work on the tasks further.
However, creating too many fields with identical data may not be the best way to manage fields. For instance, if you have three fields with the name - 'Date of Joining', 'Joining Date', and 'Date of Agreement' for collecting the same detail in three different layouts like 'Onboarding Employee', 'Reimbursement', and 'Retirement Policy', it might complicate simple jobs.
These three fields use Date & Time Properties to collect the same data across different layouts. So, you could provide one field title for all three fields and provide different field label to differentiate each field in its layout. Check the screenshot for better understanding.

These field labels can be used across different layouts, and it has been created with only one field title - 'Date'. Note that reusing fields with different field labels in various layouts does not decrease the count of 'Remaining Fields'. 

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