Tip #30: Manage Stage Deadlines With Work Hours In Qntrl

Tip #30: Manage Stage Deadlines With Work Hours In Qntrl

Qntrl lets you keep track of the tasks step-by-step in a business process and helps you meet deadlines without any last-minute rush. Deadlines can be configured for every single stage of the workflow to ensure each step is performed on time, leading to completion of the task (card) without any delay.
Stage Deadline helps you set a specific time frame within which the stage has to be performed. Alerts are sent in the form of emails to notify the stage-in charge of the upcoming deadline. You can also notify them on the day of the deadline, or after the deadline. 

Use case

Felcon, an e-commerce platform, delivers orders in 6 working days, usually. For example, if a customer places order on a Sunday at around 8 P.M, the order is most likely to reach the customer by Monday, a week later.

Here, the order reaches after 7 days (however, it’s 6 working days). This is because, the working hours set by Felcon is from 8 AM - 6 P.M from Monday to Friday.


Qntrl does consider the ‘Work Hours’, ‘Week Starts On’, ‘Days Off’ in the Date and Time Settings section, when a deadline is to be triggered. In this case, Saturday and Sunday will be considered as a day off and the deadline email will be triggered on Monday and then expire.

Being notified at different stages of a card allows the teams to keep track of the card’s whereabouts so that everyone is on the same page. You can also have an overview of the cards with delayed deadlines by using the ' Overdue Cards ' card view.

Some other applications of stage deadline can be:
  • Tax returns filed for reimbursement should be processed in 10 working days.
  • Social media content draft has to be reviewed in 2 working days.
  • Raw materials for a steel plant have to be ordered in 15 working hours.
  • Automobiles have to be tested in 2 weeks before taking them to the showroom.
  • Aviation officers ought to provide flight status in 10 minutes of the take-off.
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