Tip #36: Create efficient trend analysis Reports in Qntrl

Tip #36: Create efficient trend analysis Reports in Qntrl

Reports in Qntrl gives you an overview and monitors the important activities within the organization. With this feature, you will be able to have an insight over different information in a simple visual format, making it more relatable and efficient when it comes to taking business decisions. Apart from the Default Reports that Qntrl provides, Custom Reports help display the trend of a specific information long-term.

But, how?
  • You can capture the response to different tasks and hurdles, and try to improve the processes by identifying possible bottlenecks or hurdles that can help the business grow in the right direction.
  • You can improve or change strategies if the processes have been underperforming or stuck up for a while.
  • You can make informed decisions with the data available, acting as evidence to your decision-making.

Here’s how you can do it.
  1. This report shows the most commonly preferred way of marketing a campaign by the Marketing team, helping the organization choose a marketing tool based on the usage statistics.

  2. The report configuration and trend analysis is as shown below. Set the Y-axis as ‘Count’ & ‘Card’, and the Group By as ‘Assignee’.

  3. This report shows the trend of onboarded clients and their current status in the sales cycle, helping the organization understand the swiftness or deviation in the delay of the onboarding process, if any.


Set the Y-axis as ‘Count’ & ‘Card’, and the Group By as ‘Assignee’.


Some of the other instances where you can generate trend analysis reports are:
  • Checking if the employees have set the right priority of tasks when they work, based on client order flow.
  • Analyzing the campaign objective in the last 2 years to understand click through rate in the sales vs. educational campaigns.
  • Monitoring the employee’s monthly stats while handling Enterprise Customers’ escalations.
  • Comparing the conversion rates of the launched products, weekly. 
Before you go on to create these reports, here are some things to ensure that the business data is collected, recorded, reported, and evaluated efficiently.
  • Every data you wish to monitor in the Reports has to be a Dropdown/User Dropdown/Date/ Date&Time field in the card details page, or default Qntrl values (like Created time, Closed time, Stage, etc., in the X-axis) in order to maintain useable format of data.
  • When you analyze critical decision points like potential cash flow issues, staffing, peak sales periods, success of marketing campaigns, staff hours, stock (in or out) - ensure to collect information on a regular basis with the frequency determined by the type of data you are collecting. This ensures the participation of team/individuals so that they can regularly update the status of cards to collect and record data.
Try out and create trend analysis reports and explore unique ways to use them in your organization. Leave your comments below or email us at  support@qntrl.com