Tip #49: Qntrl’s forms now support phone number fields

Tip #49: Qntrl’s forms now support phone number fields

Most common forms like job applications, sign up or sign in forms, feedback forms, registration forms, or simple contact collection forms use phone number fields. To make data collection in these forms easier, Qntrl now supports phone number fields.

Phone number fields can be configured to either set one specific country code for all the forms in the orchestration or allow users to dynamically select country codes when they are filling in the form.

Phone number fields can be used to create criteria in custom views and filter cards in the List view. A total of 10 phone number fields can be created in each organization of Qntrl.
Field limit enhancement
We’ve also doubled the field limits of almost every custom field to provide an improved experience when working with Qntrl’s forms.

Hope these updates are useful for your organization. You can also email us your suggestions or queries at support@qntrl.com.