Tip #9: Enhance automation in your organization using Orchestly’s Function Gallery

Tip #9: Enhance automation in your organization using Orchestly’s Function Gallery

More often than not, multiple teams collaborate to complete a single task. In such cases, work allocation between teams might turn laborious. 
For instance, in Zylker Corporation, once a deal is closed by the Sales team, the sale details are sent over to the Invoice team who in turn initiate a new job to generate bills for the customer. However, this process might encounter the following complications:

  • Communication lag: On closing a deal, the Sales team must send the details to other allied teams right on time to avoid delay. 
  • Inadequate detailing: All the crucial details like company name, pricing, and tenure must be communicated to the allied teams to avoid redundant emails or phone calls for clarifications.
  • Manual job entry: Once the Sales team sends the details, a member of the Invoice team will have to take up the task of creating a new job entry. Since the job is created manually, it is time-consuming and also vulnerable to human errors. 

To provide a solution for all these challenges, Orchestly has introduced in-built custom functions. You can now automatically create new jobs for the Invoice team, once a deal is won, by configuring custom functions in your Sales process. 

Details of the deal will be sent over to the Invoice team dynamically using this custom function. We can also configure custom functions to update jobs, move jobs, compute values, and so on. Learn more about the custom functions available in Orchestly’s Function Gallery.
Does your organization have a similar automation requirement? Let us know in the comments below or email us at support@orchestly.com and we’ll get in touch!