Tips #26: Business Scenario for Orchestly's Custom Reports

Tips #26: Business Scenario for Orchestly's Custom Reports

There are times when some business activities and tasks are required to be managed and tracked diligently. At such instances, you can always create Orchestly's Custom Reports where you can drill down the data you actually wish to track and analyze.

Benefits of using Orchestly's Custom Reports 
  • Saves a lot of time and energy. Forget crunching and filtering all the data through spreadsheets.
  • Tailored for your specific needs.
  • Various chart types to view and understand the data.

Business Case

Problem: Cindler Bank wants to track and manage specific EMI payments that could not be performed by the customers on time. 

Solution: Custom reports in Orchestly can be used to track delayed EMI payments with respect to the stage span in EMI related jobs.

Ensure to create the required layouts and blueprints initially. You can then create custom reports based on the data collected from the layouts, and stages of the blueprint.

This custom report helps the bank track jobs and their duration in each stage for the "Cindler-Blueprint" specifically. This helps them track the delay in EMI payment and charge penalty accordingly.

Similarly, organizations can build reports to solve their business problems and gain insights into their work processes. Have you built any interesting custom reports using Orchestly? Do let us know in the comments below! 

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