Work remote using Orchestly

Work remote using Orchestly

As the current global pandemic forces us in the confinement of our homes, businesses around the world are looking for ways to automate and track their everyday work. We, at Orchestly, have been effective in coordinating our releases even from scattered workspaces using our very own orchestration software.
Here's a sneak peek of how Orchestly helps our teams to plan, collaborate, and automate the processes.

Product Manager's (PM) Blueprint 

Purpose: To approve new features, prepare UX design, develop, and test the features.  
Once a feature is proposed, it is analyzed for feasibility by the Product Manager. On successful validation, the feature is first assigned to the UX teams and later the development team. After the feature is built and approved, it is assigned to a Quality Analyst (QA).
Our Quality Analysts have an extensive process to test the quality of each feature and hence follow an exclusive blueprint.

QA Team's Blueprint

Purpose: To allow multiple levels of testing. 
Since the QA blueprint is a sub-part of the PM blueprint (master blueprint), we have established a relationship between these two using custom functions. 
Once a job in PM blueprint reaches the stage 'Assigned to QA’, a new job is created and mapped to QA blueprint (child blueprint). After this new job is complete, the PM blueprint (master blueprint) resumes control and the job progresses to the next stage automatically.  

This way, you can build any number of sub blueprints for a master blueprint. If you'd like some guidance to try this out, don't hesitate to email our support team.

Gain insights using Reports

Everyone in the team can now view the feature’s progress anytime using reports. It also helps us identify bottlenecks if any.


You can collaborate with your team using comments in jobs. You can also use integrations like Zoho Cliq and MS Teams to stay connected with your team members. 

We hope our processes helps you gain a better perspective of Orchestly. Try automating your team's processes and let us know your feedback. Visit our help center to get detailed insights into Orchestly’s features. Developers could also benefit from our API and Extension Development guides.