Centralized Configuration Management in ConfigStore for Qntrl | Parameter Management| Online Help

ConfigStore: Centralized Configuration Management

ConfigStore offers a centralized, secure, organized approach to managing configuration data within Qntrl. It allows you to define parameter values and access them dynamically across different modules and environments in Qntrl, enhancing flexibility, re-usability, and security. Multiple parameters can be organized under a Group for better management.

Key Benefits of ConfigStore

  • Centralized Management: Store configuration data in one place, eliminating the need for hard-coding values in multiple scripts and functions.
  • Dynamic Access: Access parameter values dynamically across various environments, reducing the need for manual updates.
  • Flexibility: Easily update configuration values without modifying each script or function individually.
  • Enhanced Security: Safely manage sensitive data, such as passwords or API keys, centrally within ConfigStore. With encryption support for parameter values, sensitive data can be securely stored as encrypted values.
  • Re-usability: Reference parameters by their unique link names from supported modules or environments in Qntrl, promoting consistency and reducing redundancy.

Use Case Example

If you need to use an API key in multiple requests, store it as a parameter named api_key in ConfigStore instead of hard-coding it. You can then reference this parameter in your requests using  {{api_key}}  or the link name ${<link-name of parameter>}, based on the module where the parameter is used. 

When the key changes, update the parameter value in ConfigStore, and the change will be reflected everywhere the parameter is used. This approach ensures that any repeated data in your requests is managed centrally, simplifying updates and enhancing consistency across your workflows.

Parameter and Group Limits

  • Each group is limited to 25 parameters.
  • Each organization is limited to 100 groups.

Create a Parameter

To create a new parameter,
  1. Login to Qntrl.
  2. Navigate to (settings) >> Advanced >> ConfigStore >> select ConfigStore.
  3. Click the New Parameter button.
  4. Fill in the Parameter Details:
    • Name: Provide a name for the parameter.
    • Value: Enter a value for the parameter. This value will be used wherever the parameter is called.
    • Default Value: Specify a default value. If the parameter value is not defined for any environment instance, this default value will be used to prevent failures due to empty parameter values.
    • Type: Choose how to store the parameter value in the database.
      • Default String - String Values will be stored as plain text.
      • Encrypted String - String values will be stored encrypted.
    • Group: Select an existing group from the drop-down or create a new group by clicking the + icon. If no group is selected, the parameter will be stored under the default group. Learn more about groups.
    • Scope: Define the parameter values within the Sandbox environment.
      • Global
      • Environment
The environment scope is applicable only when the Sandbox feature is enabled, allowing you to define parameter values for each environment. If the Sandbox feature is disabled, only the Global scope is available.

For further details on managing environment-specific parameter values, refer to the Environment Scope section.
  1. Click Save to store the new parameter.

  1. When a parameter is saved, a link name is auto-generated in the Link Name field, and the parameter gets listed in the left pane.

Edit a Parameter

  1. Click on the parameter name in the left pane.
  2. On the details page, make the necessary modifications.
  3. Click Save to apply the changes.

Delete a Parameter

  1. Hover next to the parameter name in the left pane.

  2. Click the delete icon.

  3. Confirm your delete action. 

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