Connected Cards | Online Help | Qntrl

Connected and Standalone Cards

In an integrated workspace where different teams collaborate on tasks, they might encounter situations where follow-up tasks are to be created from the main task for other teams to work on.
For example, in a food delivery app, once the customer places an order, the order management workflow gets triggered.
  1. Case 1: Once the order is ready at the restaurant, the delivery management workflow gets triggered and a card is assigned to the delivery agent.
  2. Case 2: If the customer has any complaints before the order is delivered, a card in complaint management workflow has to be triggered.
For the first case, both the workflows are interconnected and the cards need to be connected as well. For such cases, Connected Cards can be used.
For the second case, the customer complaint must be addressed even after the order is delivered. The complaint can be taken as a Standalone Card and worked upon.

Access Privilege 
Admin users in the main board with create card permission in the sub board can only create connected card configurations. Admin profile users can grant access to other users in the Manage Users section to create connected cards in the boards.

Connected Vs Standalone Cards 

Connected cards allow users to create a link between two boards (main and sub board) by creating a card in the sub board using the field values from the main board. This helps collaboration between the two boards and provides easy transfer of information between the boards. You can view the connected card from the main card's detail page under Related section.
Standalone cards are individual cards configured to be automatically created in a specific board. This helps create cards automatically when the specified conditions are satisfied in Business Rules and Schedules.

Connected Cards in Blueprint: After Transition   

You can configure a connected card to be created in the After transition section of a Blueprint. To do so:
  1. Navigate to Boards in the left panel, click more options in a board in the left panel, and select Manage Boards
    1. Alternatively, navigate to   , select Board from the menu, and select a board whose stage you want to edit.  
  2. Switch to Step 2: Design Blueprint .
  3. Select a transition from which a connected card has to be created.
  4. Click the After section of the transition and select Create Connected Card.
  5. You can either create a new configuration or select an existing one.
  6. To create a new configuration:
    1. Select the Sub Board in which the connected card must be created, the Requester who will be the card creator, and click Next

    2. A pop-up will appear to map the field values between the main and sub boards.
      1. Fields of the sub board are displayed on the left and main board on the right.
      2. Enter or choose values of the main board to be filled in the sub board.
      3. You can also choose to map the values dynamically or set patterns with these values by clicking . This is supported only for single-line and multi-line fields.        

    3. Advanced: There are 4 different sync options supported here.
      1. Sync Once: This option is chosen by default. Data is synchronized only once during card creation.
      2. Two-Way Sync: Data is synchronized every time the field value is changed in either cards.
      3. Sync from Main to Connected Card: Data is synchronized only from the main card to the connected card.
      4. Sync from Connected to Main Card: Data is synchronized only from the connected card to the main card.
    4. Click Save.
  7. For an existing configuration, tick the checkbox next to the configuration name and click Add.
  8. Save and Validate the blueprint and Publish the board.

You can hover over the connected card to Update Configuration or Update Field Mapping or Delete the connected card.
Once the corresponding transition is performed on the card, a connected card will be created automatically. You can view the connected card in the card details page under the Connected Cards tab. Details of the connected card will be displayed on clicking the title of the connected card.

If the user selected in the Requester field is removed from the Board or Organization, or if create card permission is disabled or removed for the selected Requester, the Requester will be changed to Admin. 

Connected Cards in Blueprint: Before Transition    

You can automatically execute transitions in blueprints using connected cards. To do this, create a condition based on the main or sub boards. If the condition holds true, the transition will be performed automatically.
  1. Navigate to Boards in the left panel, click more options in a board in the left panel, and select Manage Boards
    1. Alternatively, navigate to   , select Board from the menu, and select a board whose stage you want to edit.
  2. Switch to Step 2: Design Blueprint .
  3. Select a transition to be automated.
  4. In the Before section, select Automated by Connected Cards in Who can perform this transition field? .
  5. Click Set Condition .
  6. Select the board, choose All or Any option, and enter the condition.
    1. Sub boards associated with this board/transition/business rules will only be listed here.
    2. The condition will be applied on all/any connected cards created in the chosen board.
    3. Both, main and child boards can be selected to set conditions. 

  7. Once all the conditions are configured, click Save.
  8. Save and Validate the blueprint and Publish the board.

 When the configured condition is met in the main or sub boards, the transition will take place automatically.   
Only the connected boards for which you have an Admin profile will be listed down for configuration here.

Connected Cards in Business Rules   

You can create both Connected and Standalone through Business rules by configuring Create Card action within business rules.
  1. Navigate to   and select Business Rules .
    1. Alternatively, navigate to Boards in the left panel, click more options in a board in the left panel, and select Business Rules .
  2. Create a new business rule to configure automatic card creation.
  3. Under Rule Details , select a Board, enter the name and description, choose an execution condition, and click Next .
    1. Cards can only be generated automatically if a specific board is chosen here. If All Boards is selected, the Create Card option will not be displayed in the next step.
  4. Under Criteria and Actions , enter the criteria which should trigger the create card action and select Create Card in the Instant or Schedule Actions drop-down.
  5. You can configure both Connected and Standalone cards here. Create a new configuration or choose from existing configurations. 
  6. To create a new connected card configuration:
    1. Select the Sub Board in which the connected card must be created, the Requester who will be the card creator, and click Next.
    2. A pop-up will appear to map the field values between the main and sub boards.
      1. Fields of the sub board are displayed on the left and main board on the right.
      2. Enter or choose values of the main board to be filled in the sub board.
      3. You can also choose to map the values dynamically or set patterns with these values by clicking . This is supported only for single-line and multi-line fields.        
    3. Advanced: There are 4 different sync options supported here.
      1. Sync Once: This option is chosen by default. Data is synchronized only once during card creation.
      2. Two-Way Sync: Data is synchronized every time the field value is changed in either cards.
      3. Sync from Main to Connected Card: Data is synchronized only from the main card to the connected card.
      4. Sync from Connected to Main Card: Data is synchronized only from the connected card to the main card.
    4. Click Save.
  7. For a new standalone configuration, enter the Configuration NameBoard in which the card has to be created, and Requester who will be the card creator, and click Create.
  8. For an existing configurations, tick the checkbox next to the configuration name and click Add.
  9. Save the business rule.

A maximum of 6 cards can be configured here.

When this business rule condition is met, the create card action will be triggered and a card will be created in the respective board.
You can hover over the connected card to Update Configuration , Update Field Mapping , or Delete the connected card configuration.

Standalone Cards in Schedules

You can create cards through Schedules by configuring a Create Card action within a Schedule.
  1. Navigate to   and select Schedules .
  2. Create a new schedule or select an existing schedule.
  3. Enter the details of the schedule, such as Name, Frequency, Start Date and Time, Expiry.
  4. Select Standalone Card in the Callback Type field and click Add.
  5. Create a new standalone configuration or select from the existing ones.
  6. To create a new configuration, enter the Configuration Name, Board in which the card will be created, Requester who will be the card creator, and click Create.
  7. To choose an existing configuration, tick the checkbox next to the configuration name and click Add.
  8. Enter the card details and click Save.
  9. Save the schedule.

A standalone card will be created periodically based on the frequency set in the Schedule.
You can hover over the connected card to Update Configuration , Update Field Mapping , or Delete the standalone card.

If the user selected in the Requester field is removed from the Board or Organization, or if create card permission is disabled or removed for the selected Requester, the Requester will be changed to Admin. 

Enable Users to create Connected Cards 

To allow users to create connected cards in a board:
  1. Navigate to Boards in the left panel and select a board.
  2. Click more options    in the left panel corresponding to the board and choose Manage Requesters .
  3. Enable Allow users to create connected cards .
  4. Click the + icon next to Configure Connected Card.
  5. Create a new connected card configuration or choose from the existing ones.
  6. To create a new configuration:
    1. Give a Name for the configuration, select one or more user Profiles to allow card creation, select a Sub Board in which the child card will be created, and click Next. 

    2. A pop-up will appear to map the field values between the main and sub boards.
      1. Fields of the sub board are displayed on the left and main board on the right.
      2. Enter or choose values of the main board to be filled in the sub board.
      3. You can also choose to map the values dynamically or set patterns with these values by clicking . This is supported only for single-line and multi-line fields.        

    3. Advanced: There are 4 different sync options supported here.
      1. Sync Once: This option is chosen by default. Data is synchronized only once during card creation.
      2. Two-Way Sync: Data is synchronized every time the field value is changed in either cards.
      3. Sync from Main to Connected Card: Data is synchronized only from the main card to the connected card.
      4. Sync from Connected to Main Card: Data is synchronized only from the connected card to the main card.
    4. Click Save.
  7. For an existing configuration, tick the checkbox next to the configuration name and click Add.

  1. This permission is only for users to create connected cards from the card details page.
  2. User Profiles selected in each configuration will only be allowed to create cards.
  3. The configurations selected here will only be displayed while creating cards in the card details page of the main board.
To create a connected card:
  1. Navigate to the main board in which you have configured the connected card.
  2. Open a card in the board.
  3. Click + Create Connected Card at the top band.
  4. Choose a configuration from the drop-down.
  5. Click Next .
  6. Enter the connected card details.
  7. Click Save .

You can view the connected card from within the details view of the card under the Connected Cards tab.

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