Configure Failure state in Circuit | Qntrl | Circuit | Online Help


The Failure state is also an end state that signifies the failure of the previous task executed in the Circuit and stops its execution, marking it as a failure. It is used to represent a failed execution for the user's reference.
Example Use Case: In the employee onboarding case, specifically during the employee document verification stage, when the verification status indicates a failure, we can employ a Failure state to terminate execution along with an error message and reason for failure.

Builder View

To configure a Failure state to your circuit:
  1. In Builder View, drag and drop the Failure state from the left pane into your circuit or click the required Failure state in your circuit.
  2. Under Configuration, you can add a specific Error Message and an optional Reason in the state for your reference that will be displayed in the execution response to help in debugging.
  1. There is no next state for a Failure state since it is the last state for that path.
  2. You will also not be able to configure an input path or output path for a Failure state.

Code View

The below JSON is used in Code View and the equivalent fields for adding failure details are errorMessage and reason.

Failure state example:
"Offer Cancelled": {
"type": "failure",
"error_message": "Document verification unsuccessful",
"reason": "Documents submitted are invalid"

NextFunction state

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