While creating Credentials, select Type as SSH and provide the user name and password for your remote machine. Click here to learn how to create a credential.
An authenticated connection has to be established to interact with the File module. Refer to the OAuth configuration section within the Bridge Agent to make a connection with the File module.
1. Cloud to Remote (File Download)
{"task_name": "file_task","task_details": {"source": {"cloud": {"path": "<QNTRL FILE MODULE PATH>","type": "qntrl_files"}},"destination": {"remote": {"path": "<REMOTE FILE PATH>","credential_name": "<CREDENTIAL_NAME>","host": "localhost"}}}}
2. Remote to Cloud (File Upload)
{"task_name": "file_task","action": "<move/copy>","subfolder_copy": <true/false>,"task_details": {"source": {"remote": {"path": "<REMOTE FILE MODULE PATH>","credential_name": "<CREDENTIAL_NAME>","host": "localhost"}},"destination": {"cloud": {"path": "<QNTRL FILE MODULE PATH>","type": "qntrl_files","overwrite": true}}}}
{"task_name": "file_task","action": "<move/copy>","subfolder_copy": <true/false>,"task_details": {"source": {"remote": {"path": "<FILE PATH>","credential_name": "<REMOTE CREDENTIAL NAME>","host": "<HOST NAME>"}},"destination": {"remote": {"path": "<FILE PATH>","credential_name": "<REMOTE CREDENTIAL NAME>","host": "<Host Name>"}}}}
Key | Description |
task_name | A system-defined name for the respective modules. 'file_task' is the task name for file management tasks. |
action | Specifies the type of file operation to be carried out.
subfolder_copy (optional) | Specifies whether a recursive transfer should be executed or not.
By default, it is set to 'true' if not specified. |
task_details | A JSON object that contains details of the task. |
destination | A JSON object with the information on the location to where the file has to be transferred. |
source | A JSON object with the location details from where the file has to be transferred. |
remote | A JSON object that contains details of the remote machine to be connected. |
cloud | Refers to the cloud network/storage. |
path | Location of the file in the remote machine. |
credential_name | Name of the credential object created within the Credential module for the remote machine. |
host | Host name of the remote machine. |
type | 'qntrl_files' if the file is available in Qntrl's file module. |
overwrite | To update an existing file content.
For Windows machines, the file path should be "\\"
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