Non-orchestration users' transition | Online Help | Qntrl

Non-orchestration users' transition

Board owners (admins) can allow a non- board  users to perform a particular transition in the  board  by configuring Organization users in the Before section of the Blueprint transition. An email template will be triggered to the non- board  user along with the transition button for the user to perform the respective transition.

Business case

A software company named Zylker provides assets to its employees. A specific team has been assigned to allocate and monitor asset requests. Employees must raise their asset requests, and the organization manager must accept them before the asset request team can proceed further. An organization manager can be added as a transition owner just to accept or reject the request.
To allow an organization user (non- board  user) to perform a transition in the Board: 
  1. Navigate to  Boards
  2. Click more options , and select Manage Board . (or)
  3. Navigate to , and select Board  from the menu.
  4. Click the  board  to be edited.
  5. You will land in Step 1: Create Form .
  6. Select the necessary transition to be performed by the non- board  user.
  7. Click the Organization Users  icon, beside ' Who can perform this transition? ' user drop-down field.
  8. Select the respective email template (default or custom) to be sent to the non- board  user.
  9. Click Add .

Only email templates where 'Transition ID' is used as a placeholder will be listed here.

To add custom email template
  1. Navigate to
  2. Select  Email Templates under Customization .
  3. Click the New Email Templates button.
  4. Select the Board  and click Proceed .
  5. Choose a theme and enter the template details (template name, subject, body of the email, etc.) and click Save .
  6. Go to the respective Board setup.
  7. Click the transition the email template needs to be added to.
  8. In the  Before section, click the Organization Users  icon and choose the custom email template.
  9. Click Add
Add Transition buttons to Custom Email Template:
Type # to add the required placeholders to the email template. To add transition buttons to the email template, type # and choose the Next Allowed Transition option under Cards .

How can non-board users perform the transitions 

The non- board  user who needs to perform the transition will receive an email with the transition buttons. On clicking the transition button, the respective user will be navigated to Qntrl with a confirmation pop-up menu. Click Submit to complete your transition. 
If any criteria has been setup in the During section of the transition, a pop-up with the necessary fields will need to be filled in. Upon successful completion of the transition, another success pop-up will appear.

An unsuccessful pop-up message appears right after clicking the transition button, if you do not have the necessary permissions, or when the transition has already been modified, or when the transition has been deleted.
Card details will not be displayed to non-board users. If any fields were set up in the During section of the transition, only those fields will be displayed in a pop-up, or just the success/ failure message will be displayed.

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