Circuit Management and Quick Actions Guide | Online Help | Qntrl | Circuit

Other Actions in Circuit

Quick Actions in Circuit   

To manage and organize circuits in your account:

  1. Hover near the name of the circuit in the Circuits list view page.

  2. Click on the action menu next to the name. From the action menu, you can:

    1. Edit Circuit: Change the name and description of the circuit. In the pop-up, make modifications and click Update.

    2. Builder View: Open the Builder View of the Circuit. In the pop-up, you can view and modify the circuit.

    3. Preview: Preview your circuit's visual workflow and code on a single screen.

    4. Delete: Remove the circuit from your account.         



Tab Switch Actions for Circuit Modules   

In the top-right corner of the Cirucit page, you'll find icons for the following actions:
  • Circuit Builder View - 
  • Execution List of Circuit - 

  • Dashboard View of Circuit Executions - 

Builder View Quick actions 

Builder Tools 

On the right side of the visual workflow, you can use the following icons:

 -  Automatically arrange states within the flow diagram.

  -  Switch the view to horizontal.

 -  Validate the graph to identify errors.

 -  Reset changes and revert to previously saved edits.


Access the Circuit in Builder and Code View by selecting the icons at the top-right corner of the Builder view page.



To adjust the circuit size, click on the zoom in or zoom out icons located at the bottom-left corner of the Builder view.


Quick action in States   

To add a new state or edit an existing one, you have several options:

  • Drag and drop states from the left pane.

  • Use the right-click option on the state.

  • In the Circuit Builder View, when you hover over a state and click on the 'more' icon, you can:

    • Create a new state.

    • Duplicate the existing state with the same configuration.

    • Delete the state.


Code View Tools 

The toolbar in the code editor provides the following options:
  1. Font size adjustment
  2. Undo and Redo actions
  3. Copy
  4. Clear option to erase code
  5. Find and Replace text
  6. Reset option to revert to previous changes
  7. Beautify code
  8. Keybindings settings
If you have fifty states in a circuit and wish to view the code of a specific state without scrolling, simply click on the corresponding state in the builder view to access its configuration.



The Dashboard displays the executions and their status for the Circuit. The Recent Executions section lists the ten most recent executions.

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