Overview of integrations | Integrations | Qntrl

Overview of integrations

Unlock the power of Qntrl with streamlined workflows, and discover new opportunities you can create for your business. Integrate Zoho tools and other third-party applications with Qntrl to facilitate business activities among other horizons, and increase your team's productivity. 

You can also integrate Qntrl with other tools for your business uses. Take a look at our current integrations to get detailed insights. 

How to invoke an integration

Third-party or Zoho applications can be integrated with  Qntrl  either from the application's integration section or from  Qntrl 's integration tab.

To integrate from Qntrl

            1.   Navigate to   and select Integrations under  Extensions from the menu.  
            2.   Select the application you want to integrate  Qntrl  with.  
           3.   Click Invoke,  next to the application you want to integrate.  

For third-party applications, you will be prompted to authorize the integration.  

How to disable an integration      

If you no longer want to receive notifications from an existing integration, you can disable it. 
            1.  Navigate to  and  select  Integrations  under  Extensions  from the menu.   
            2. Click Disable  next to the application you want to disable.  

Disabling an integration will only disable the notifications sent from Qntrl.

How to  re-enable an integration

Disabled integrations can be re-enabled by following these steps:  

            1.  Navigate to   and  select  Integrations  under  Extensions  from the menu.  
            2. Click Enable next to the application you want to re-enable.  

Re-enabling an integration will only enable the notifications sent from Qntrl.

How to revoke/uninstall an integration 

            1.   Navigate to  and  select  Integrations  under  Extensions  from the menu.  
            2.   Click Revoke next to the application you want to uninstall. 

Revoking an integration will delete all data related to the integration from Qntrl.              

How to update an integration

We launch various updates to the integrations at regular intervals.
To update  the latest version, navigate to the application  under  Integrations   and  click  Update.  

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