Custom Function: Post_Messages_to_Zoho_Cliq_Channel | Online Help | Qntrl

Custom Function: Post_Messages_to_Zoho_Cliq_Channel

This custom function can be used to post predefined messages to existing Zoho Cliq channels. 


Sign up for Zoho Cliq and create a channel with the required users. Only the members of this channel will receive messages. 

Business Scenario  

In a Travel Request process, once the request is approved by the manager or after the tickets are successfully booked by the travel team, the card requestor can be notified by a message in Zoho Cliq. 

Steps to configure the custom function

Before executing this custom function, you will have to configure the arguments. 

Configure the Arguments

First, configure  Argument Values for all the parameters used in the custom function. You can either specify the Custom Value or choose a Form Field from the dropdown. Form fields capture dynamic values from card fields corresponding to the custom function. 


  • channelName : Specify the unique name of the Zoho Cliq channel. To get the unique name navigate to Actions in the chat window, select Channel Info, go to the Connectors tab, and copy the unique name mentioned under API parameters section. Ensure that the channel is formed with valid participants. 

  • messageString : Specify the message that needs to be posted to the channel.    

Once the arguments are configured, you are all set to execute the custom function. 

Post_Messages_to_Zoho_Cliq_Channel  is a part of Qntrl's pre-define custom functions available in Function Gallery. However, you can also write your own  custom functions  in Qntrl. 

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