Sample Custom Function for Zoho Sheet integration | Online Help | Qntrl

Sample Custom Function for Zoho Sheet integration


  1. User must have an account in Zoho Sheet and Qntrl
  2. User must configure a Connection to authorize the access of Zoho Sheet from Qntrl. 

Business Case

Zylker Inc, a Pharma company, uses Qntrl to record and process their orders. Every time a new order is placed, a user fills the client details in the card and creates the order. The order then passes through the steps defined in the blueprint until it is closed. 
Since Zylker is also using Zoho Sheet to record their client details, they requested a work-around to pre-fill each card with the existing client details from Zoho Sheet, once the client ID is entered. 
This helps Zylker to:
  1. Reduce manual effort of recording client details in each card
  2. Maintain a single repository of client information
  3. Automate data entry to reduce errors


We built a Custom Function for Zylker’s requirement. Here’s how the function works:
  1. The user creates a card by entering just the Client ID along with the Card details.
  2. Once the Card is created, a Custom Function is triggered to pass the data from Zoho Sheet to the card.
  3. After the details are automatically updated to the card, the status update is sent back to Zoho Sheet. 

How to configure

Let us go through the step-by-step details to configure this custom function in your organization.
Step 1: First, in the Board, create a From to capture the client details. 
  1. Mandate the Client ID field. This step is not compulsory, but it is recommended.
  2. Disable the Visibility of the client detail fields Client Name, Contact, and Client Location. 
After the Form is created, go ahead and complete the rest of the steps in your board. 

Step 2: Next, create a new Custom Function and configure it with your Form, Connection, and Sheet details. 

Step 3: Navigate to Business Rules and configure  Instant  Actions to trigger the above custom function every time a new card is created in the 'Order Details' board

Step 4: Now, navigate to a board and create a card by entering the Client ID along with the Card details.

Once the card is created, the configured Business Rule triggers the linked Custom Function to fill the client details in the card. To ensure that the details are updated to the sheet, the Status column in Zoho Sheet automatically changes to 'Updated' by the custom function. 
  1. Note that the client ID along with other client details is stored in a single row in Zoho Sheet. 

We’ve provided the sample custom script here for reference. If you’d like to know more details about this custom function please email our support team.  
//Deluge has predefined integrations with zoho services. Zoho Sheet is also supported
//sheet's getRecords API can be used to fetch all records in a sheet or specific records based on a criteria
//Required parameters
//1. Resource ID - can be picked from sheet url
//2. Sheet Name - Name of the sheet at the bottom
//3. Query Map - Key value map used to set criteria & range
//4. connection link name
queryMap = Map();
//criteria format: "column name"="column value"
//example: "Client ID"="1001"
queryMap.put("criteria","\"Client ID\"=" + client_id);
data = zoho.sheet.getRecords("krz56389e2107d77a434ab731d3271a00c77d","Sheet1",queryMap,"zoho_sheet");
//this will fetch the records matching the criteria above
records = data.getJson("records");
//In our case, only record will be returned as client id is unique. So we are fetching the record at index 0
record = records.get(0);
//fetching each value by its column name
name = record.get("Client Name");
contact = record.get("Contact").toString();
location = record.get("Location");
info name;
//debugger print name
paramMap = Map();
//constructing the values in params for updating in card
//mapping with associated field name in qntrl
job = invokeurl
type :POST
info job;
//debugger to print update job response
//we are using the same criteria that was used to fetch the record
newValues = Map();
optMap = Map();
updateResp = zoho.sheet.updateRecords("krz56389e2107d77a434ab731d3271a00c77d","Sheet1","\"Client ID\"=" + client_id,newValues,optMap,"zoho_sheet");
info updateResp;

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