Send Emails | Online Help | Qntrl

Send Email

Automated emails allow for comprehensive communication in today’s organizations. Use them to inform your team about the progress of a card  or notify specific users when the card moves to the next stage.

Configure automated emails by choosing an email from the list of email templates. Automated emails can be configured in Blueprints and Business Rules. 

How to configure automated emails?

  1. Click the  icon next to Send Email. 
  2. In the ensuing popup,
    • Email Template : Select an email template from the available list of templates or create a new one by clicking  New Email Template.  Learn more  about creating new templates.
    • Notify to:  Select the users to receive the email. This can be individual users, teams, roles, or users in the  User dropdown  fields. You can also include external users who are not a part of the organization like vendors or customers. 
    • Click  Save

You can configure a maximum of 3 emails for each transition and business rule .

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