Update Fields

Update Fields

You may need to modify field values in your card at various stages. For example, the predicted completion date for the card may vary depending on the progress of the card. Use the  Update Fields option to update field values (such as the due date) when a particular action is completed. Update Fields is available in Blueprints and Business rules.

To update the fields:

  1. Click the  icon next to  Update Fields in Instant or Schedule actions.
  2. In the pop-up, click the first   drop-down to select the field to update.
  3. In the text box, enter the new value to update the field to.
  4. Click  Apply .

You can also choose to update the Single-Line and Multi-Line fields of the form with placeholder values.
  1. Select a Single-Line or Multi-Line field in the drop-down
  2. Click the  to the right of the field.
    1. All the default and custom fields will be listed as placeholders except Description field.
  3. Select the required placeholder and then click Save .
The selected field's value will be dynamically updated with the placeholder field's value during execution.

You can add more fields to update by clicking the  icon to the right of the text box.  Remove fields from this list by clicking the  icon.
  • The drop-down displays default fields (Title, Description, Assignee ,  Priority Team, Due on), card lock , and custom fields.
  • Assignee fields can be updated with users from the user-dropdown field.
  • Date or Date and Time fields can be updated with 'Execution date'-- which captures the date of execution of transition or business rule-- or a 'Custom date', or with any other date fields. After selecting this, you can also set 'before or after' condition by clicking the calendar icon next to the field. Learn more
  • You can also capture the action performer using user drop-down fields. To know more about this, read our detailed community post .
  • You can add a maximum of 6 fields for each transition and business rule  for Instant Actions.
  • You can add a maximum of 3 fields for each transition and business rule for Schedule Actions. 

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