Configure Wait state in Circuit | Qntrl | Circuit | Online Help


The Wait state introduces a pause or delay within your circuit, temporarily halting the execution for a specified duration before resuming and progressing to the next state. The delay duration can be configured in seconds. For example, if you set a delay of 50 seconds, the circuit will be triggered 50 seconds after the completion of the previous state.
Example Use Case: Incorporate a Wait state during the employee onboarding procedure, say 24 hours, specifically between the verification stage (Branch state) and the provisioning stage (Parallel state), to allow sufficient time for the employee to complete the orientation process. 

You can insert a maximum of 30 days (25,92,000 seconds) as a wait period.

Builder View

To insert a delay in the Builder view:

  1. Drag and drop the Wait state from the left pane into your circuit, or click the required state in your circuit.

  2. Under the Configuration section, update the common state field attributes and select the Type as a Wait state.

  3. In the Duration field, define the wait period in seconds, say 172800 seconds (24 hours).

  4. To configure the Input Path and Output Path to a Wait state, visit the Input and Output Processing section


Code View

In Code View, you can add the wait time in the duration key.

Wait state example:
"Wait period for Orientation": {
  "type": "wait",
  "next": "Parallel IT Tasks - Employee Provisioning",
"duration": 172800

Next : Batch state

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