Create Custom Fields in Forms | Online Help | Qntrl

Create Custom Fields in Forms

Qntrl supports different types of custom fields. Custom fields in Qntrl follow some common properties that can be modified according to the user's requirement. Let us learn how to add different custom fields and configure its properties. 

Add single-line text field  

  1. Navigate to   Boards , hover over any specific board in the left panel and click      to choose  Manage Board . (or)
  2. Navigate to    to select a board.  Learn more
    • You will land in Step 1: Create Form .
  3. Drag and drop the  Single-Line  field from the  New Fields  tray onto the right panel. 
  4. Enter a  Field Title . Field titles are mandatory.
  5. To set a default value for your field, click the  Set default value  checkbox and enter the default value. 
    • The default value gets pre-filled in the form. This value can be edited.  
  6. To display additional information about the field, click the Add Info checkbox and type the text in the ensuing box. Info can be displayed either as a tool tip or help text. If the field is configured with a default value, only tool tip is supported. You can Preview how the info will be displayed in the form.  
  7. Set the validation: 
    • Character limit: Enter the minimum and maximum number of characters the user can enter.   
    • Mandatory: Toggle the button YES to make the field mandatory.                        
    • Visibility: Toggle the button YES to make the field visible while creating cards.
    • Encrypt or PHI: Toggle the button YES to encrypt this field.
    • Mask: Toggle the button YES to mask the data entered in this field.  
Learn more about field title, default value, mandatory, visibility, encrypt and mask in detail. 

You can create a maximum of 200 text fields in each board including single-line , email address and link fields.  

Add multi-line text field 

  1. Navigate to   Boards , hover over any specific board in the left panel and click      to choose  Manage Board . (or)
  2. Navigate to    to select a board.  Learn more 
    • You will land in Step 1: Create Form. 
  3. Drag and drop the   Multi-Line   field from the   New Fields  tray onto the right panel. 
  4. Enter a   Field Title . Field titles are mandatory.
  5. To set a default value for your field, click the   Set default value  option and enter the default value. 
    • The default value gets pre-filled in the form. This value can be edited.  
  6. To display additional information about the field, click the Add Info checkbox and type the text in the ensuing box. Info can be displayed either as a tool tip or help text. If the field is configured with a default value, only tool tip is supported. You can Preview how the info will be displayed in the form.  
  7. Set the validation: 
    • Character limit : Enter the minimum and maximum number of characters the user can enter.    
    • Mandatory: Toggle the button YES to make the field mandatory.                        
    • Visibility: Toggle the button YES to make the field visible while creating cards.
    • Mask: Toggle the button YES to mask the data entered in this field.
You can create a maximum of 30 multi-line fields in each board. 

Add a dropdown field 

  1. Navigate to   Boards , hover over any specific board in the left panel and click      to choose  Manage Board . (or)
  2. Navigate to    to select a board.  Learn more 
    • You will land in Step 1: Create Form
  3. Drag and drop the  Dropdown  field from the   New Fields  tray onto the right panel. 
  4. Enter a  Field Title.   Field titles are mandatory.
  5. If you wish to set a default value for your dropdown, click the    Set default value   option. 
  6. To display additional information about the field, click the Add Info checkbox and type the text in the ensuing box. Info will be displayed as a tool tip. You can Preview how the info will be displayed in the form.  
  7. To add options sequentially in the dropdown: 
    • Click + in the  Used Options  section. Enter the value in the text box and click the tick icon. Add other options in the same way.  
    • The options that are not currently needed can be pushed to the  Unused Options  section. Drag and drop the value to the adjacent section. 
  8. To add multiple values at once:
    1. Click Add multiple options hyperlink. 
      1. Quick options : Commonly used options are listed here.
      2. Import from file : You can import options from .txt or .csv files.
      3. Add manually : You can enter multiple options line by line.  
  9. Set the validation:  
    • Mandatory: Toggle the button YES to make the field mandatory.                        
    • Visibility: Toggle the button YES to make the field visible while creating cards.
Users can also edit the options by clicking . To delete an option, drag and drop the option under Unused Options section and click .  

  1. You can create a maximum of 100 dropdown and radio button fields in each board. 
  2. While importing dropdown values from a file:
    1. The file size must be less than 2 MB.
    2. Options in the file must be entered line by line.
    3. Each option must not exceed 50 characters.  
    4. Only the first 500 options are imported. 

Add a user dropdown field 

  1. Navigate to   Boards , hover over any specific board in the left panel and click      to choose  Manage Board . (or)
  2. Navigate to    to select a board.  Learn more 
    • You will land in Step 1: Create Form. 
  3. Drag and drop the  User dropdown  field from the  New Fields  tray onto the right panel. 
  4. Enter a   Field Title  . Field titles are mandatory.
  5. If you wish to set a default value for your dropdown, click the   Set default value   option. 
  6. To display additional information about the field, click the Add Info checkbox and type the text in the ensuing box. Info will be displayed as a tool tip. You can Preview how the info will be displayed in the form.  
  7. All the users in your portal will be listed in the  Unused Options  section.  
    • Drag and drop a user name from the  Unused Options  to the  Used Options   section.   
  8. Set the validation:   
    • Mandatory: Toggle the button YES to make the field mandatory.              
    • Visibility: Toggle the button YES to make the field visible while creating cards.
You can create a maximum of 20 user dropdown fields in each board.   

Add a date and time field 

  1. Navigate to  Boards , hover over any specific board in the left panel and click      to choose  Manage Board . (or)
  2. Navigate to    to select a board.  Learn more 
    • You will land in Step 1: Create Form. 
  3. Drag and drop the   Date & Time   field from the   New Fields  tray onto the right panel. 
  4. Enter a   Field Title.   This field is mandatory.
  5. To set a default value for your field, click the  Set default value  option and select a custom date. 
    • The default value gets pre-filled in the form. This value can be edited.  
  6. To display additional information about the field, click the Add Info checkbox and type the text in the ensuing box. Info can be displayed either as a tool tip or help text. If the field is configured with a default value, only tool tip is supported. You can Preview how the info will be displayed in the form.  
  7. Set the validation: 
    • Set criteria to validate the date that is entered by the user. For instance, the due date & time of a card can only be in the future. So you can set the criteria as: Date & Time is After 5 days From Card Creation date.   
    • Mandatory: Toggle the button YES to make the field mandatory.              
    • Visibility: Toggle the button YES to make the field visible while creating cards.
    • Encrypt or PHI: Toggle the button YES to encrypt this field.
    • Mask: Toggle the button YES to mask the data entered in this field.  
You can create a maximum of 50 date, date & time fields in each board.  

Add a decimal field 

  1. Navigate to   Boards , hover over any specific board in the left panel and click      to choose  Manage Board . (or)
  2. Navigate to    to select a board.  Learn more 
    • You will land in Step 1: Create Form. 
  3. Drag and drop the   Decimal  field from the   New Fields  tray onto the right panel. 
  4. Enter a   Field Title . Field titles are mandatory.
  5. To set a default value to your field, click the   Set default value  option and select a default decimal value. 
    • The default value gets pre-filled in the form. This value can be edited.  
  6. To display additional information about the field, click the Add Info checkbox and type the text in the ensuing box. Info can be displayed either as a tool tip or help text. If the field is configured with a default value, only tool tip is supported. You can Preview how the info will be displayed in the form.  
  7. Set the validation: 
    • Range : Enter the minimum and maximum limit for decimal value that the user can enter. 
    • Mandatory : Toggle the button YES to make the field mandatory.                        
    • Visibility : Toggle the button YES to make the field visible while creating cards.
    • Encrypt or PHI : Toggle the button YES to encrypt this field.
    • Mask : Toggle the button YES to mask the data entered in this field.  
You can create a maximum of 30 decimal and currency fields in each board.  

Add an integer field 

  1. Navigate to   Boards , hover over any specific board in the left panel and click      to choose  Manage Board . (or)
  2. Navigate to    to select a board.  Learn more 
    • You will land in Step 1: Create Form
  3. Drag and drop the   Integer  field from the   New Fields  tray onto the right panel. 
  4. Enter a   Field Title  . Field titles are mandatory.
  5. To set a default value for your field, click the   Set default value  option and select the default integer value. 
    • The default value gets pre-filled in the form. This value can be edited.  
  6. To display additional information about the field, click the Add Info checkbox and type the text in the ensuing box. Info can be displayed either as a tool tip or help text. If the field is configured with a default value, only tool tip is supported. You can Preview how the info will be displayed in the form.  
  7. Set the validation: 
    • Range:  Enter the minimum and maximum limit for integer value that the user can enter.  
    • Mandatory: Toggle the button YES to make the field mandatory.
    • Visibility: Toggle the button YES to make the field visible while creating cards.
    • Encrypt or PHI: Toggle the button YES to encrypt this field.
    • Mask: Toggle the button YES to mask the data entered in this field.   
You can create a maximum of 50 integer fields in each board.  

Add an email address field 

  1. Navigate to   Boards , hover over any specific board in the left panel and click      to choose  Manage Board . (or)
  2. Navigate to    to select a board.  Learn more 
    • You will land in Step 1: Create Form
  3. Drag and drop the  Email Address  field from the  New Fields  tray onto the right panel. 
  4. Enter a  Field Title . Field titles are mandatory.
  5. To set a default value for your field, click the  Set default value   option and enter a valid email address. 
    • The default value gets pre-filled in the form. This value can be edited.  
  6. To display additional information about the field, click the Add Info checkbox and type the text in the ensuing box. Info can be displayed either as a tool tip or help text. If the field is configured with a default value, only tool tip is supported. You can Preview how the info will be displayed in the form.  
  7. If you want to allow users to enter more than one email address to this field, check the   Bulk Email Addresses  radio button. 
  8. Set the validation:  
    • Mandatory: Toggle the button YES to make the field mandatory.
    • Visibility: Toggle the button YES to make the field visible while creating cards.
    • Encrypt or PHI: Toggle the button YES to encrypt this field.
    • Mask: Toggle the button YES to mask the data entered in this field.  
You can create a maximum of 200 text fields in each board including single-line , email address, and link   fields.  

Add a link field 

  1. Navigate to   Boards , hover over any specific board in the left panel and click      to choose  Manage Board . (or)
  2. Navigate to    to select a board.  Learn more 
    • You will land in Step 1: Create Form
  3. Drag and drop the   Link  field from the   New Fields  tray onto the right panel. 
  4. Enter a   Field Title  . Field titles are mandatory.
  5. To set a default value for your field, click on the  Set default value  option and  enter a valid link. 
    • The default value gets pre-filled in the form. This value can be edited.  
  6. To display additional information about the field, click the Add Info checkbox and type the text in the ensuing box. Info can be displayed either as a tool tip or help text. If the field is configured with a default value, only tool tip is supported. You can Preview how the info will be displayed in the form.  
  7. Set the validation:  
    • Mandatory: Toggle the button YES to make the field mandatory.
    • Visibility: Toggle the button YES to make the field visible while creating cards.
    • Encrypt or PHI: Toggle the button YES to encrypt this field.
    • Mask: Toggle the button YES to mask the data entered in this field.
You can create a maximum of 200 text fields in each board including single-line, email address, and link fields.  

Add a multi select field 

  1. Navigate to   Boards , hover over any specific board in the left panel and click      to choose  Manage Board . (or)
  2. Navigate to    to select a board.  Learn more 
    • You will land in Step 1: Create Form. 
  3. Drag and drop the   Multi Select   field from the    New Fields   tray onto the right panel. 
  4. Enter a   Field Title  . Field titles are mandatory.
  5. To set a default value for your field, click on the   Set default value   hyperlink and choose values from the dropdown. 
    • Default value dropdown gets populated only after you add options. 
    • The default value gets pre-filled in the form. This value can be edited.    
  6. To display additional information about the field, click the Add Info checkbox and type the text in the ensuing box. Info will be displayed as a tool tip. You can Preview how the info will be displayed in the form.  
  7. To add options sequentially in the dropdown: 
    • Click the '+' icon in the  Used Options  section. Enter the option in the text box and click the tick icon. Add other options in the same way.  
    • The options that are not currently needed can be pushed to the  Unused Options  section. Drag and drop the value to the adjacent section. 
  8. To add multiple values at once:
    1. Click  Add   multiple   options hyperlink. 
      1. Quick   options : Commonly used options are listed here.
      2. Import   from   file : You can import options from .txt or .csv files.
      3. Add   manually : You can enter multiple options line by line.  
  9. Set the validation:  
    • Mandatory: Toggle the button YES to make the field mandatory.                                    
    • Visibility: Toggle the button YES to make the field visible while creating cards.
Users can also edit the options by clicking  . To delete an option, drag and drop the option under Unused Options section and click 
  1. You can create a maximum of 30 multi select fields in each board. 

  2. While importing multi select values from a file:
    1. The file size must be less than 2 MB.
    2. Options in the file must be entered line by line.
    3. Each option must not exceed 50 characters.     
    4. Only the first 500 options are imported. 

Add a file field  

  1. Navigate to   Boards , hover over any specific board in the left panel and click      to choose  Manage Board . (or)
  2. Navigate to    to select a board.  Learn more 
    1. You will land in  Step 1: Create Form .
  3. Drag and drop the File  field from the  New Fields tray onto the right panel.
  4. Enter a   Field Title . Field titles are mandatory.
  5. To display additional information about the field, click the Add Info checkbox and type the text in the ensuing box. Info will be displayed as a tool tip. You can Preview how the info will be displayed in the form.  
  6. Set the validation:  
  1. File formats:
  1. Allow all formats: Files in any file format can be added without restriction.
  2. Allow selective formats: Only the file formats indicated in this field will be accepted for upload.
  3. Restrict selective formats: Limit the file types that can be used.
    When you allow or restrict file formats, you can only choose a maximum of 10.
  1. Mandatory: Toggle the button  YES to make the field mandatory.
  2. Visibility: Toggle the button YES to make the field visible while creating cards.
  1. You can create a maximum of 20 file fields in each board. 
  2. Each field can hold up to 50 files. You can add 5 files at a time.
  3. Uploaded file size must be less than 65 MB.

Add a currency field   

  1. Navigate to   Boards , hover over any specific board in the left panel and click      to choose  Manage Board . (or)
  2. Navigate to    to select a board.  Learn more 
    • You will land in Step 1: Create Form. 
  3. Drag and drop the  Currency   field from the  New Fields   tray onto the right panel.  
  4. Enter a  Field Title . Field titles are mandatory.
  5. To set a default value to your field, click the  Set default value  option and select a default currency value.  
    • The default value gets pre-filled in the form. This value can be edited.   
  6. To display additional information about the field, click the Add Info checkbox and type the text in the ensuing box. Info can be displayed either as a tool tip or help text. If the field is configured with a default value, only tool tip is supported. You can Preview how the info will be displayed in the form.  
  7. Click the Set currency type  option and choose a specific currency type as the default currency type for the form or choose ‘Any’ to let the users select a currency type while filling the form.
  8. Set the validation:  
    • Range: Set the currency limit that the user can enter.  
    • Currency Format: Select the format in which the currency value must be displayed. 
    • Advanced Options:
      • Number of Decimal Places: Select the number of decimal places to be filled in the currency field.

      • Rounding and Precision: You can either round up, round down, or round off the decimal digits. Select precision to restrict the number of digits in the currency. 

    • Mandatory: Toggle the button YES to make the field mandatory.
    • Visibility: Toggle the button YES to make the field visible while creating cards.
    • Encrypt or PHI: Toggle the button YES to encrypt this field.
    • Mask: Toggle the button YES to mask the data entered in this field. 
  1. You can create a maximum of 30 decimal and currency fields in each board. 

Add date field   

  1. Navigate to   Boards , hover over any specific board in the left panel and click      to choose  Manage Board . (or)
  2. Navigate to    to select a board.  Learn more 
    • You will land in Step 1: Create Form
  3. Drag and drop the  Date  field from the  New Fields   tray onto the right panel.  
  4. Enter a    Field Title.    This field is mandatory.  
  5. To set a default value for your field, click the   Set default value   option and select a custom date.  
    • The default value gets pre-filled in the form. This value can be edited.   
  6. To display additional information about the field, click the Add Info checkbox and type the text in the ensuing box. Info can be displayed either as a tool tip or help text. If the field is configured with a default value, only tool tip is supported. You can Preview how the info will be displayed in the form.  
  7. Set the validation:  
    • Set criteria to validate the date that is entered by the user. For instance, a card can be inspected for quality only after the card is completed. So the criteria for inspection date can be set as: Date is Between Card creation date and Due date .   
    • Mandatory: Toggle the button YES to make the field mandatory.
    • Visibility: Toggle the button YES to make the field visible while creating cards.
    • Encrypt or PHI: Toggle the button YES to encrypt this field.
    • Mask: Toggle the button YES to mask the data entered in this field.   
You can create a maximum of 50 Date and Date & Time fields in each board. 

Add a checkbox field     

  1. Navigate to   Boards , hover over any specific board in the left panel and click      to choose  Manage Board . (or)
  2. Navigate to    to select a board.  Learn more 
    • You will land in Step 1: Create Form
  3. Drag and drop the  Checkbox  field from the  New Fields   tray onto the right panel.   
  4. Enter a  Field Title . Field titles are mandatory.   
  5. To set a default value to your field, click the  Set default value  option and select a default currency value.   
    • The default value gets pre-filled in the form. This value can be edited.    
  6. To display additional information about the field, click the Add Info checkbox and type the text in the ensuing box. Info will be displayed as a tool tip. You can Preview how the info will be displayed in the form.  
  7. Set the validation:  
    • Mandatory: Toggle the button YES to make the field mandatory.                              
    • Visibility: Toggle the button YES to make the field visible while creating cards. 
You can create a maximum of 20 checkbox fields in each board. 

Add a radio button field     

  1. Navigate to   Boards , hover over any specific board in the left panel and click      to choose  Manage Board . (or)
  2. Navigate to    to select a board.  Learn more 
    • You will land in Step 1: Create Form
  3. Drag and drop the  Radio Button  field from the   New Fields   tray onto the right panel.    
  4. Enter a  Field Title . Field titles are mandatory.    
  5. To set a default value to your field, click the  Set default value  option and select a default currency value.    
    • The default value gets pre-filled in the form. This value can be edited.     
  6. To display additional information about the field, click the Add Info checkbox and type the text in the ensuing box. Info will be displayed as a tool tip. You can Preview how the info will be displayed in the form.  
  7. Enter the options to be listed for the radio button.
    • Click the + or - buttons to add or delete the options respectively. 
  8. Set the field-level validations:  
        • Mandatory: Toggle the button YES to make the field mandatory.
        • Visibility: Toggle the button YES to make the field visible while creating cards.  
  1. You can create a maximum of 100 dropdown and radio button fields in each board. 
  2. 20 options can be added to each radio button field.  

Add a phone number field   

  1. Navigate to  Boards , click more options  , and select  Manage Board  (or)
  2. Navigate to     to select a board.  Learn more 
    • You will land in Step 1: Create Form
  3. Drag and drop the   Phone Number    field from the   New Fields   tray onto the right panel.  
  4. Enter a   Field Title  . Field titles are mandatory.  
  5. To set a default value to your field, click the    Set default value    option and select the default integer value.  
    • The default value gets pre-filled in the form. This value can be edited.   
  6. To display additional information about the field, click the Add Info checkbox and type the text in the ensuing box. Info can be displayed either as a tool tip or help text. If the field is configured with a default value, only tool tip is supported. You can Preview how the info will be displayed in the form.  
  7. Click the  Set country code  option and choose a specific country code as the default country code for the form or choose ‘Any’ to let the users select a country code while filling the form.
  8. Set the validation:  
    • Mandatory: Toggle the button YES to make the field mandatory.
    • Visibility: Toggle the button YES to make the field visible while creating cards.
    • Encrypt or PHI: Toggle the button YES to encrypt this field.
    • Mask: Toggle the button YES to mask the data entered in this field. 
  1. Phone number field allows the usage of braces '()' and hyphens '-' along with numbers.
  2. You can create a maximum of 10 phone number fields in each board.
  3. On selecting 'Any' as the country code, you will be able to Filter the cards based on 'Country dial code in' and 'Country dial code not in' while displaying cards in the List View.

Add a line item field     

Line items are used to add tables to the form. Each column of the line item table is mapped to a custom field.  
  1. Navigate to   Boards , hover over any specific board in the left panel and click      to choose  Manage Board . (or)
  2. Navigate to    to select a board.  Learn more 
    • You will land in Step 1: Create Form. 
  3. Click the  Add Line Item button. 
    1. A line item block appears in the right panel. You can customize the title of this block.
  4. Click the  New Field  option and select a field type from the list of custom fields.
  5. Fill the field properties and click  Ok .
  6. Similarly, add required columns to the table and click  Save .     
  1. Only four line item blocks can be added to each form. 
  2. When adding records to line items in cards, only 100 rows can be added. 
  3. You can edit the field properties of each custom field used in the line item using the  Edit Properties  option. 
  4. You can also delete fields from the line item using the  Delete Field  option.
  5. There is a restriction on the number of custom fields that can be added to line items. Click the  More Options   (...) icon on the top-right corner of the line item block and select  Remaining Line Item Fields  to view the remaining fields. 
  6. To delete a line item block, click the   More Options   (...) icon on the top-right corner of the line item block and select  Delete  . This action will delete all the fields in the block.  

Learn all about advanced fields and how to use them in Qntrl. 

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