Execution logs of Circuit | Online Help | Qntrl | Circuit

Execution Logs

A record of all tested executions is maintained in Circuit, allowing you to access and re-run specific executions anytime. Follow these steps to access the execution history of a circuit:

Access Execution History

  1. Go to the left pane and click on the name of the circuit. This will display a list of all executions for the circuit, including their unique execution name, execution status, time, and duration.
  2. Alternatively, execution history can be accessed by clicking on the icon located at the top-right corner of any circuit page.

Re-run Executions

  1. To re-run a specific execution, check the checkbox next to the execution name. Once selected, the Run Again option will appear, allowing you to execute the circuit again with a single click.
  2. For failed executions, a Retry option will be available.      

Filter Executions by Status

You can refine your search results by filtering executions based on their status. Choose from the following options:

  • Success: View only completed executions that were successful.

  • Failure: Focus on executions that encountered errors or did not complete as expected.

  • Running: Identify ongoing executions that are still in progress.

  • Aborted: View executions that were intentionally stopped before completion.

By applying these filters, you can quickly locate specific executions and analyze their outcomes.


Copy Execution ID

  1. The execution ID can be copied for viewing the status on the server side using the copy option.


View Execution Details

  1. Click on any execution name to access its execution details. The Execution Details page contains options to View Graph, View Code, and View Logs.
  2. Click New Execution to start a new execution with a new set of inputs, and Run Again to trigger execution using the previously used input data for a particular execution.


View Graph

You can view the live execution of a circuit from this View Graph section.
  1. Once the circuit has been executed, you can visually observe the execution details, such as input, output, and the duration of the execution, from the right panel.
  2. If your execution takes more than the expected time or seems to run in a loop, you can click Stop Execution to terminate it at any time (this shows up only when the execution is in progress).
  3. You can view the paths that were traversed in the circuit, the status of each state represented by a color code mentioned at the bottom, and the overall status of the circuit execution as well.

When you click a particular state, a pop-up box displays the detailed information of that state's execution.

View Code

This option allows you to navigate to the code view from the execution page. This helps to read and verify the circuit's code once you observe the execution.


View Logs 

This tab provides the consolidated logs of the task execution in each state. The detailed log enables you to assess failures effectively and detect bugs in each state's execution in a circuit.

It displays the following details:

  • Timeline: The date and time of a particular event in a state, along with the icons to indicate the event type.
  • State: The name of the state in which a particular event is executed.
  • Event: Refers to the events that occurred in the State like State Entered, State Exited, Input Processing, Result Processing, State Machine Triggered, State Machine executed, and so on.
    • For Bridge-related tasks, the configured Bridge ID will be displayed. Clicking on this ID will direct you to the Bridge Message page, where you can access and view the details of the associated Bridge task.
    • To view logs for a circuit or a function state executed within it, click on the respective circuit or function name listed under Events. This will direct you to the corresponding logs page.
  • Payload: The JSON input that was passed to that state of the circuit.
  • Parameter: The additional parameters that were provided by the user to the state's input Function and Batch states.
  • Response: Refers to the response or output generated by the state after its execution.

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