Field Limit | Online Help | Qntrl

Field Limit

Qntrl allows users to create custom fields within a specific limit in each board. Here's the maximum field limit allowed:

Field Name
Field Limit
Text Fields
(Single-Line, Email Address, Link)
Multi-Line Fields
Drop-down Fields 
(Drop-down, Radio Button)
User Drop-down Fields
Integer Fields
Date Fields
(Date, Date and Time)
Decimal and Currency Fields
Multi Select Fields
File Fields
Checkbox Fields 

Advanced Fields

(Field Lookup, Relation Fields, API Lookup)
Multi User Fields 
Phone Number Fields

View number of remaining fields  

The number of fields created in each board can be tracked in the  Remaining fields  column.    

To view the remaining fields,  

  1. Navigate to   Boards    , hover over any specific board in the left panel and click      to choose   Manage Board   . (or)
  2. Navigate to    to select a board.  Learn more 
  3. Click the  Remaining Fields  option in the left panel to open a list of the maximum number of fields that can be created under each category and the number of fields still available.   

Delete unused fields  

Fields that are no longer used can be deleted from Qntrl.  
Before deleting a field, 
  1. Make sure it is not used in Forms, Blueprints, Email Templates, Business Rules, Webhooks, or Reports.  
  2. If a field associated with any of the above module is deleted, the corresponding action configured in the module will no longer occur.  
To delete a field, 
  1. Navigate to   Boards , hover over any specific board in the left panel and click      to choose   Manage Board . (or)
  2. Navigate to    to select a board.  Learn more
  3. Hover over the field to be deleted and click   at the right corner of the field.
  4. Click Delete Field and confirm your action.

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