Follow the below step-by-step procedures to configure and use Bridge in Qntrl.
Step 1: Download the Bridge agent
Only one Bridge agent can be installed per machine. To download a bridge agent in Qntrl:
- Navigate to (settings), under Advanced click Bridge, and select Downloads.
- Bridge agent is available for both Windows and Linux OS. Download the file based on your OS.
- Windows users have separate download links for 32-bit and 64-bit OS. You may choose the one as per your requirement.
- Linux users can either directly download the installable zip file using the Directly Download button or can copy the wget command and execute it in a terminal to download the zip.
Step 2: Install the Bridge agent
Ensure administrative privileges for installation.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required. If not available, the bundled Java with Bridge Agent can be used.
Setting up Bridge agent for Linux
Once the Bridge agent is downloaded as in the previous step:
Copy the installation link provided on the above Downloads page under the Linux section.
Traverse to the directory where you have downloaded the installable zip.
Execute the installation link (copied in the previous step) in your terminal. This action will:
install a daemon and
start the bridge agent.
If using bundled Java, open the file [Bridge_Home]/conf/wrapper-bridge.conf with the suitable editor and replace the value assigned to the key as jre/bin/java.exe.
Once the installation is successful:
a new bridge entry will be added automatically to the Bridge list page of Qntrl and
the new bridge agent will be started.
- To stop a running bridge agent execute the command: sh [Bridge_Home]/bin/ stop
- To restart the bridge agent, execute the command: sh [Bridge_Home]/bin/ start
Setting up Bridge Agent for Windows
Once the Bridge agent installation file, (Viz., qntrl_bridge_agent.exe) is downloaded:
Execute the qntrl_bridge_agent.exe file. This action will, by default:
install the Bridge agent in %localappdata% /Bridge folder.
add it to the services list.
start the bridge agent.
If using bundled Java, open the file [Bridge_Home]/conf/wrapper-bridge.conf with the suitable editor and replace the value assigned to the key as jre/bin/java.exe.
Upon successful installation:
A new bridge entry is automatically added to the Bridge list page on Qntrl.
The new Bridge agent is started.
- To stop a running Bridge agent execute the command: [Bridge_Home]/bin/bridge.bat stop
- To restart the Bridge agent, execute the command: [Bridge_Home]/bin/bridge.bat start
Once the Bridge agent is up and running, it will automatically open the login page in the default browser. You can view the status( Active/Down) of your bridge in the Bridge list page.