Configure Success state in Circuit | Qntrl | Circuit | Online Help


A Success state can be used to terminate an execution. It is used to represent a successful execution for the user's reference. As Success states are end states, they don't have any configuration or properties, such as Next state or End fields. You cannot configure a Success state as a 'Start' state.
In a Branch state, you can use the Success state along with the Failure state to indicate the outcome of two processes based on different conditions or use it to indicate the success of a Function after it has been executed.
Example Use Case: In the employee onboarding scenario, when all the necessary states for the onboarding process have been completed, you can utilize the Success state to indicate the successful completion of the employee onboarding, thereby ending the process.

Builder View

To configure a Success state to your circuit:
  1. In Builder View, drag and drop the Success state from the left pane into your circuit or click the required Success state in your circuit.
  2. Under Configuration, you have the option to update the name of the state.
You will not be able to configure an input path or output path for a Success state.   


Code View

  In Code View, the JSON to configure the Success state for the above example is:

"Onboarded Successfully": {
           "type": "success"

Next : Failure state

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