Overview of reports | Online Help | Qntrl

Overview of Reports

One of the best ways to manage teams in an organization is to take a step back and analyse the work pattern. Evaluate different aspects of your team’s progress using  Reports in Qntrl. Apart from the default reports provided by Qntrl, users can also create custom reports

Access privileges : Organization user profiles with  Reports  permission can access Reports. Users can view or create reports for the cards and form fields that are accessible by them.

Default reports

Blueprint usage report

Each  blueprint is designed using  various  stages and  transitions . You can view the  Blueprint Usage Report to keep track of the number of cards that pass through every  stage or  transition of the blueprint for the current date. 
  • Toggle the button at the top of your screen to view the usage report for either a  stage or a  transition .
  • Select a  blueprint from the dropdown to view the report specific to the blueprint.
This report cannot be edited.

Card distribution chart

This report tracks the number of cards performed by individual users in your organization under a given period. We can track the workload of every user using this chart. 
  • By default, this report is displayed as pie chart. To change the chart type, select a chart option at the top-right of the screen.
  • Also, you can filter the details that your data is plotted on to obtain a more specific graph. Click on the filter icon at the top-right corner to view the filtering options. Choose your requirement and click  Find .
  • You can also edit this chart to meet precise requirements. Click Edit at the top-right of the screen to modify your chart details, then click  Save .

Stage duration chart

Multiple cards can pass through a single blueprint at any given point in time. Stage duration chart can be used to calculate the time taken to complete each stage of the card, under different owners.
  • By default, this chart is displayed as a vertical clustered bar chart .  To change the chart type, select a chart option at the top-right of the screen.
  • You can also filter the details that your data is plotted on to obtain a more specific graph. Click on the filter icon at the top-right corner to view the filtering options. Choose your requisite and click  Find .
  • You can also edit this chart to meet with precise requirements. Click Edit at the top-right of the screen to modify your chart details, then click   Save .

Stage utilization chart

This report shows the number of cards  that pass through different stages of the blueprint in the whole course of the card , when it is performed by different users.
  • By default, this chart is displayed as a vertical clustered bar chart . To change the chart type, select a chart option at the top-right of the screen.
  • You can also filter the details on which your data is plotted to obtain a more specific graph. Click on the filter icon at the top-right corner to view the filtering options. Choose your requisite and click  Find .
  • You can also edit this chart to meet with a precise requirement. Click Edit at the top-right of the screen to modify your chart details, then click   Save .

Blueprint duration analysis

This report projects the average time taken by different cards  to complete the blueprint. You can view the average time for all the blueprints in your organization here. 
  • By default, this chart is displayed as a vertical bar chart . To change the chart type, select a chart option at the top-right of the screen.
This report cannot be edited. 

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