SSH Engine state in Circuit | Qntrl | Circuit | Online Help | Execute commands in a remote Linux or Unix machine

SSH Engine

SSH Engine state is configured to connect to a client's machine or network and remotely execute commands or scripts on the client's Linux/UNIX operating system.



For more details about the SSH module in Bridge, the keys, and its description, click here.

Example Use Case: In the employee onboarding scenario, when it comes to the employee asset allocation process, the system administrator is responsible for installing the operating system on the assigned employee systems. To facilitate this, the SSH Engine state can be utilized specifically for LINUX machines. It enables the connection to the employee's machine and the execution of remote commands for OS installation.

Builder View

  For associating an SSH Engine state to a circuit:

  1. In Builder View, drag and drop the SSH Engine state from the left pane into your circuit or click the required SSH Engine state of the Circuit.

  2. In the Configuration, update the common state field attributes.

  3. In Bridge ID, click and select the Bridge to be configured to the state from the drop-down list.

  4. Under the Add Configuration section, fill in the following fields:

    1. Credential ID - Select the credential from the dropdown list. The Credential ID of all the credentials created for the SSH module type will be displayed in the list.

    2. Host - Enter the hostname of the machine in which the shell command has to be executed. Enter the host name as localhost, if the shell command is executed on the same Bridge-installed machine.

    3. Command - Either input the shell command directly for execution or input a command that includes the name of the Script file to be executed. To create a new script file, refer to Scripts.

  1. In Input / Output, enter the required paths. Learn more about I/O paths.


Code view

 In Code View, the JSON to execute a shell command and perform an SSH task in Circuit is given below:
"Linux OS Installation": {
      "type": "ssh_engine",
      "next": "Licence Key Activation-Linux",
      "bridge_id": "bridge-1368_1",
      "payload": {
            "credential_id": "ssh_cred_4",
            "host": "localhost",
            "command": ""

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