Step 1: Create Form | Online Help | Qntrl

Step 1: Create Form

Forms  are used to capture requests from users that help you collect the data required to kickstart workflows and perform tasks in Qntrl. 
There are different departments in an organization providing different solutions. For instance, the finance team handles reimbursements and helps produce pay slips, the marketing team organizes product demos and roadshows, and so on. When a user needs to request one of these solutions, they usually draft an email to the relevant departments and it would take several other emails to get the ball rolling.  

With Forms, users can just fill in the details and submit them to Qntrl. Based on the inputs received in the form, teams or individual assignees can take up the task (read Cards) and start working on it. The user can also track the progress of the Cards easily.  

Automate with us! 
Helen is the head of design and wants to automate the Brochure Design process for her organization. Let's automate together with Helen!  
Let's create a form to collect the details of the design from the user.  

Default fields in forms  

When you start building the board, you will see a form filled with default fields like Title, Description, Assignee, Due on, Priority, Attachments, and Team. You can edit or delete these fields to suit the workflow you are building. Get to know the  properties of default fields in Forms.  

Customizing forms  

You can customize almost everything in the form to suit your organization's requirements. The form created here is displayed to users when they request cards using Qntrl. 
The left panel of the form holds the new and unused fields. 
  1. The  New Fields tray holds the different types of custom fields supported by Qntrl. Drag and drop a field from the New Fields tray to the form to add a new field. Explore the  different custom fields supported in Qntrl
  1. The  Unused Fields   tray holds the default fields that are removed from the form. You can drag and drop them back to the form if you want to use them again.

Custom fields in forms  

Custom fields in Qntrl support different field types to hold different types of data like text, numbers, currency, drop-down, radio buttons, and so on. Here is the complete set of custom fields supported in Qntrl . Apart from custom fields, Qntrl also supports advanced fields like lookup and relation fields
To add a new or unused field to the form, drag and drop the field to the right panel, configure the field properties, and click  Ok

Here are the different properties of custom fields: 
  1. Field Title : Enter a title to identify the field with. 
  2. Default Value : Enter a value to be pre-filled in the field. 
  3. Mandatory : Enable to make this a required field. 
  4. Visibility : Enable to allow users to view this field while creating Cards. 
  5. Encrypt or PHI : Enable to secure the data entered in this field. 
  6. Mask : Enable to hide field value with '*'. 
Get to know the basics about  properties of custom fields

Custom fields can only be created within a specific limit in Qntrl. You can monitor the number of fields remaining by clicking the  Remaining Fields  hyperlink on the left panel. 

Sections in forms  

Sections  are partitions that can be added to the form. You can add related fields to each section to categorize them. 
To add a section: 
  1. Click the  Add Section  button on the left tray. A new empty section will be created. 
  2. To enter a new section name, hover over the section name and click the   icon.
  3. Drag and drop the new or unused fields from the left tray into this section. 
  4. You can customize the field pattern of a section to display all the fields in a single column or a pair of columns. Click   More Options   (...) icon       at the top-right corner of the section and select   Single Column   to list fields one below the other or   Double Column   to display fields in two columns. 
  5. Click  Save .  
Helen adds two sections to separate the design details and approval details. 

  1. To delete a section, click  More Options   (...) icon at the top-right corner of the section and select  Delete
  2. A section containing default fields (Title, Assignee, Due on) cannot be deleted. 

Line Items in forms  

Line Items  are tables that can be added to Forms. Each column of the line item table is mapped to a custom field. 


To add a line item: 
  1. Click Add Line Item option in the left tray.
  2. You can customize the title of the block by clicking on   icon.
  3. Click  +  New Field  and select a field type from the list of custom fields. 
  4. Fill the field properties and click  Ok .  
Helen creates a line item table to add multiple design details.

Add the required columns to the table in the same way.  Learn in detail about line items.  

Other actions in forms 

Edit custom field properties  

  1. Navigate to     and select  Boards  from the menu. 
  2. Click on the board to be edited. 
  3. To edit field properties: 
    1. Hover over the field and click        at the right side. 
    2. Select  Edit  Properties  in the pop-up. 
    3. Make the required changes and click  Ok
  4. Click  Save

The new updates will not be reflected in older cards. Newly created cards will use the updated boards.   

Delete field  

  1. Navigate to     and select  Boards  from the menu. 
  2. Click on the board to be edited. 
  3. To remove a field: 
    1. Hover over the field and click    at the right side. 
    2. Select  Delete Field  in the pop-up. 
    3. Confirm your action. 
  4. Click  Save

  1. Deleting a field permanently deletes the corresponding data from boards, blueprints, email templates, business rules, webhooks, and reports.
  2. The default fields, Title (single-line), Assignee (User dropdown), and Due On (date field)  cannot be deleted.  

Once you finish creating the form, you can either
  1. Click Save and Next to save the changes made to the form as a draft and move to the next section.
  2. Click Save as Draft to save the changes made to the form as a draft and stay in the same section.
  3. Or, click the dropdown arrow beside the Save as Draft option and select  Save and Publish to save the changes made to the form and publish the board. Note that to publish the board, a validated blueprint is required. 

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