Configure and Manage Circuit Template Components in Qntrl | Online Help | Qntrl Studio Circuit Gallery

Configuring Additional Components


Create a Webhook

To create a new Webhook:
  1. Click Webhook in the left pane and click New Webhook.
  2. Fill in the following details:
    1. Type: Select Standalone (the only supported type for Circuit).
    2. Name: Enter a name for the webhook.
    3. URL: Specify the API URL of a third-party or Zoho application.
    4. Method: Select the API method type (POST/GET). The default is POST.
    5. Preview: Review the complete webhook URL to be sent to the third-party application (not editable).
    6. Append Custom Parameters: 
      1. Specify the parameter name and its corresponding value for the webhook.
      2. This key/value pair is mainly used to send authentication tokens, API keys, security tokens, etc.
    • Custom Headers:
      • Specify the header name and the corresponding value for the webhook.
      • This can be used to send cookies, User-Agent, Referrer, and so on.  
  1. Click Save.

Once created, the webhook will appear under the Associated Components in the Webhooks section.

Refer to Qntrl's Webhook help page for detailed configuration instructions.

While importing Circuit template, only the associated webhooks will get imported.

Edit a Webhook 

To edit a Webhook:
  1. Click on the Webhook section in the left pane.
  2. From the list, click the name of the webhook to be edited.
  3. Make modifications and click Save.

Delete a Webhook

To delete a Webhook:
  1. Click the Webhook section in the left pane.
  2. Hover over the webhook name, click the action menu, and select Delete.
  3. In the prompt window, confirm your delete action.


Create a Function 

  1. Create a new Function:
    • Click on Function section in the left pane and click Add Function.

    • Provide the function details:

      • Name: Enter a name for the function.

      • Language: Select the desired programming language from the drop-down. 'Zoho Deluge' is selected by default.
      • Description: Provide a brief explanation of the function's purpose.

    • Click Save to proceed.

  1. Write Function Script:
    • The editor will open where you can write your function script in the cloud IDE or the editor displayed for the selected language.
    • For more details on writing functions, click here.
  2. Test and Deploy Function:
    • Click Save and Execute to test the function with sample input.
    • Click Deploy to make the function available for integration into circuits.


  • Once deployed, the function will be listed under the Associated Components section within the Function tab.

  • Functions must be deployed before use in Circuits.

  • While importing a Circuit template, only the associated functions will be imported.


Manage Existing Functions   

  1. Click on Function in the left pane.

  2. Hover over the function name and click on the action menu.

  3. Choose from the following options:

    1. Edit: Modify the function code and redeploy. Only the deployed version will be executed in Circuit.

    2. Preview: View the function script without making changes.

    3. Delete: Remove the function.


Connections enable integrations with Qntrl and external services. You can create connections to both pre-configured and custom services.

Create a Connection   

  1. Navigate to the Connections section in the left pane.

  2. Click the Create Connection button.

  3. Pick Your Service:

    1. Default Service: Select a service from the frequently used services provided.

    2. Custom Service: Create your own service by selecting the custom service option.

For more details about connections in Qntrl, click here.

Connect with a default service:

Choose a pre-configured service from the list of frequently used options.
  1. Under the Default Services tab, choose a third-party or internal Zoho service.

  2. In the next section, provide the required service details and click Create and Connect.

  1. You will be redirected to the service page to authenticate the connection.

  1. Once authentication is successful, the service will be ready to use. 

Connect with a Custom Service:

In addition to the pre-configured services we provide, users can connect with other third-party services by creating a custom connection.
  1. Navigate to the Custom Service tab and click Create Service.

  2. Enter the necessary connection and authentication details to set up a new service. 

  3. Click Create Service.

Once authentication is successful, the service will be ready to use.

For more detailed information on connecting with custom services, click here.

Edit / Delete a Connection 

You can edit or delete existing connections by hovering over the desired connection.

  • To Edit: Click the edit icon, make necessary changes, and then click Update.

  • To Delete: Click the delete icon and confirm your action to remove the connection.

Revoke a connection  

To discontinue an integration, you can revoke the associated connection.

  1. In the left pane, click My Connections.

  2. Hover over the connection you wish to revoke.

  3. Select the Revoke option.

Revoking a connection removes authorization but doesn't delete the connection record the service will still be listed on the Connections page. You can re-establish the connection at any time.


Create a Table   

  1. Navigate to the Tables section in the left pane of your Studio portal and click Create Table.
  2. Define Table Structure:
    1. Table Name: Enter a name that describes the table.
    2. Description: Add a brief explanation of the table's purpose.
    3. Columns:
      1. Column Name: Enter the name of the column.
      2. Field Type: Select the field type from the drop-down menu. Supported field types include: single line text, multi-line text, date and time, decimal, number, email address, and link.
      3. Add or Remove Columns: Click the + or - icon next to the column to add or remove it.
      4. Column Settings: Click the settings icon and configure column settings (mandatory, default value, minimum/maximum values).
  1. Click Save to create the table. Once created, you can manually enter data or import it into the table.

For more details on creating and managing tables, visit the Tables help page.

Edit/Delete a Table 

You can modify or remove existing tables:
  • To Edit: Hover over the table and click the edit icon. Make changes and Update.
  • To Delete: Hover over the table and click the delete icon. Confirm the action.


Create a Schedule   

  1. Navigate to the Schedules section in the left pane of your Studio portal, and then click the New Schedule button.
  2. Define Schedule Details:
    1. Name: Provide a relevant name for the schedule.
    2. Frequency: Choose how often the schedule should run (e.g., Weekly).
    3. Execute On: Specify the day of the week when the function should be executed.
    4. Start Date and Time: Set the initial start date and time for the schedule execution.
    5. Expiry: Select the condition after which the schedule should expire.
      1. Set Execution Limit: Determine the number of times the schedule should run before expiring.
      2. Set Expiry Date: Select the specific date after which the schedule will expire.
      3. Never: Allow the schedule to run indefinitely.
    • Callback Type: Choose whether the schedule should trigger a Function or a Circuit.
    • Once selected, a dropdown will display the available functions or circuits. Select the appropriate one from the list.
  1. Click Save to create the schedule.

For more detailed information on schedules and configuring them with multiple frequencies, visit the Schedules help page.

Managing  Schedules

In your Studio portal, select Circuit in the left pane and select the desired template. Click Schedules in the left pane.
  • Edit: Select the desired parameter from the list in the left pane, make the necessary modifications, and click Save.
  • DeleteHover over the name of the schedule, click the delete icon, and confirm your delete action in the prompt window.


Create a new Group 

  1. Navigate to the Group section in the left pane of your Studio portal and click New Group.
  2. Fill in the Group Details:
    1. Group Name: Provide a descriptive name for the group.
    2. Description: Provide a brief explanation of the group's purpose.
  1. Click Save.

Manage Existing Groups 

  1. Click on Group in the left pane.

  2. Hover over the group name and click on the action menu.

  3. Choose from the following options:

    1. Edit: Edit the group name and description and click Save.

    2. Delete: Remove the group by selecting Delete.


Adding a Parameter in ConfigStore   

  1. Navigate to the ConfigStore in the left pane and click Add Parameter.
  2. Fill in the Parameter Details:
    1. Parameter Name: Assign a unique name to the parameter.
    2. Value: Enter the parameter value for testing purposes. This value will not be exported.
    3. Default Value: Specify a default value to prevent failures. Note that only the default value will be exported to a customer org.
    4. Type: Choose how to store the parameter value in the database
      1. Default String - String Values will be stored as plain text.
      2. Encrypted String - String values will be stored encrypted.
    • Group: Select an existing group from the drop-down list to categorise your parameter.
  1. Click Save to store the new parameter.
  2. Once created, the created parameters will get listed in the left pane:
    1. All: All the parameters will get listed
    2. Grouped: Parameters will be listed category-wise.

Associating Parameters

Use the format ${parameter's_link_name} to associate the created parameter within Circuit.

Managing Parameters 

Edit a Parameter

  1. Click the ConfigStore in the left pane.
  2. Select the desired parameter from the list in the left pane.
  3. Make the necessary modifications
  4. click Save.

Delete a Parameter

  1. Click the ConfigStore in the left pane.
  2. Hover over the name of the parameter.
  3. Click the delete icon next to the parameter name
  4. Confirm your delete action in the prompt window.



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