Quick access settings in Boards | Online Help | Qntrl

Quick access settings in Boards

You can quickly edit and update the board using the quick settings.

  1. Navigate to the Boards  module.
  2. Hover over the respective board under My Boards .
  3. Click the more options icon

Below are the edit functionalities supported through quick access settings.

Edit Board      

To edit a board:
  1. Navigate to the Boards  module in the left panel.
  2. Hover over the respective board under My Boards .  
  3. Click the more icon  .
  4. Click Edit Board .
  5. You can update details like board name, record name, description, and card ID prefix here.
  6. Click Save

Add Field  

To add a field to the board:
  1. Navigate to the Boards  module in the left panel.
  2. Hover over the respective board under My Boards  .  
  3. Click the more icon  .
  4. Click Add Field .
  5. Fill in the required details in New Field details page.
  6. Click Add .  
This field will be added as the last field in the form.

Manage Board   

You can update your board from updating the fields in the form to updating the blueprint according to your business needs using the  Manage Board      option.
  1. Navigate to the  Boards  module in the left panel.
  2. Hover over the respective board under  My Boards  .  
  3. Click the more icon   .
  4. Select  Manage Board .
  5. Update the form by adding/ removing the fields/sections/line items.
  6. Click  Save and Next.
  7. Update the blueprint as according business need.
  8. Click  Save and Validate .
  9. Review the new blueprints and click  Publish

Your board will now be updated as per your business requirement.

Manage Users 

Users in Qntrl are categorized broadly into two types:  Organization users  and  Board users Organization users are global to Qntrl and can be added through organization settings. Board users are specific users who can access each board. Here’s a detailed  help document   on the difference between Organization users and Board users. 
When a user is added to a board, the user can be a part of the organization and also the board. This allows users to access the cards within the respective board.  When a user is added to the organization directly, the user will only be a part of the organization but will not be able to access the cards within any board unless the user is added to the respective board. 

Adding board-specific users lets the users view only the boards in which they are a part. They can have a clutter-free board list which helps concentrate only on their work items and complete their cards on time. To add a new user:
  1. Navigate to the Boards  module in the left panel.
  2. Hover over the respective board under My Boards .  
  3. Click the more icon .
  4. Select Manage Users .
  5. Click  + Invite User  and type the user name to add existing organization users from the drop-down, or type the email address of the new user (who is not of the part of the organization).
  6. Click  Add or Invite.
Alternatively, you can also c lick   Invite   on   the top   band  , or   click the     icon beside the  users thumbnail  icon to manage users.

The respective user will receive an email invitation to join the board. Once the user accepts and joins the board, they will be able to view the respective board under the   My Boards   section of the  Boards  tab.
All profile users will have the permission to create new boards. However, this can be updated by the admins of the organization. The user who creates the board will be its admin.

User profiles in Boards  

User profiles in boards are categorized as AdminManagerMember and Participant. Below is a list of the initial, field-level permissions set for these profiles. 

Default Fields
View and edit all cards
View and edit all cards
View and edit for owned cards
View and edit for owned cards
View and edit all cards
View and customizable edit for all cards
View and customizable edit for owned cards
View and customizable edit for owned cards
Due On
View and edit all cards 
Customizable view and edit for all cards
Customizable view and edit for owned cards
Customizable view and edit for owned cards
View and edit all cards
Customizable view and edit for all cards
Customizable view and edit for owned cards
Customizable view and edit for owned cards
View and edit all cards
Customizable view and edit for all cards
Customizable view and edit for owned cards
Customizable view and edit for owned cards
Custom Fields
View and edit all cards
Customizable view and edit for all cards
Customizable view and edit for owned cards
Customizable view and edit for owned cards

You can add new users to the board who are also new to the organization only when your profile has Manage Users permission in the Organization settings. This permission will be enabled by default for all profiles and can be updated by the organization admin. The invited user will be added as a member in the board and user in the organization. Both of these can be updated later. 

You can also add new users to your organization directly (based on your profile permission) or add existing organization users from the Users tab.

How to change user profile  

To change the user profile of the existing board users: 
  1. Navigate to Manage Users .
  2. Hover over the required user and click   .
  3. Select the new profile.

The user will be moved to the new profile.

How to remove a user from the board  

To remove an existing user from a board:
  1. Navigate to  Manage Users .
  2. Hover over the required user and click    .
  3. Click  Remove  .

The user will be removed from the board and will no longer be able to access it.

Manage Requester

Access Privilege: Requesters tab can be accessed only by board users with Admin profile.
Requesters are the users who can create cards in boards. Requesters can be both internal (part of the organization) and external (not a part of the organization).

To manage requesters,
  1. Navigate to the  Boards  module in the left panel.
  2. Hover over the respective board under  My Boards .  
  3. Click the more icon  .
  4. Select  Manage Requesters .

All board users can add cards  

This option will be enabled by default for all users in the organization. All board users can add new cards to the board when this option is enabled.

When you disable this option, you'll be prompted to choose the users who can add cards to the board. List of all the board users will be displayed in the drop-down for you to choose from.

Allow users to create connected cards   

This option will be disabled by default. However, you can enable it at any time. When you enable this option, you'll have the option to create a connected card from the parent card. You can also view the connected cards under the  Connected Cards  tab in the details view of a card. Learn more about Connected cards from this  help document .

Allow external users to create requests 

External users can raise requests (or cards) in a board. There are two types of external requesters:
  1. Users who are a part of the organization but not a part of the board.
  2. Anyone on the web can create cards in the board.
External requesters can be configured for the following modules:
  1. Organization Users  : Allows organization members who are not a part of the board to create cards. Click  Publish Service  to enable this option.
  2. Public Forms  : Anyone who has the public form link can create cards by submitting the form. Learn more about  Public Forms . Click  Publish Public Form  to enable this option. You will be able to view the Public Form link. Copy and share the form link for the end-users to use.
  3. Email In  : Anyone with an Email In ID can create cards by sending an email. Learn more about Email In. Click  Publish Email In  to enable this option.You will be able to view the Email In ID. Copy and share the Email In ID for the end-users to use. 

You can revoke access for Organization Users by clicking on the  Unpublish Service  button.  Unpublishing of Public Forms and Email In can be done from the quick access page. Please refer to the   Public Form  and   Email In   help documents to know more. 
‘All board users can add cards’ option will be disabled if ‘All organization users’ option is selected under Organization Users in External Requesters section.

Manage Permissions

Access Privilege: The Permissions tab can only be accessed by board users with the Admin profile.
Field level permissions can be updated based on the profile of the user under the  Permissions  tab. Default profiles available for users in the Board are Admin, Manager, Member, Participant, and Requester (External users who are not a part of the board but a part of the organization).
You can update the  View & Edit  field permissions based on the user profiles from the Permissions tab. To do so:
  1. Navigate to the  Boards  module in the left panel.
  2. Hover over the respective board under  My Boards .  
  3. Click the more icon  .
  4. Select  Manage Permissions .
  5. Click the tick icon corresponding to the field and profile.
  6. Check or uncheck the  View  and  Edit   boxes to update the permissions. 
Field permissions will now be updated to the respective profile users.

  1. Users with the Admin profile will have both View & Edit field permission for all the fields and cannot be modified.  View & Edit  permission for  Title  field is enabled for all profiles and is   not customizable  .
  2. Users without  Manage Users profile   permission can only add existing org users to the board, even if they are the board admin.
  3. You can add the same user in multiple profiles. When a user is able to access the card via multiple permissions like user, team, or role, the highest privilege of them all is assigned to them.

Automation Options     

Business Rules

Business Rule lets you trigger an event or a chain of automated events as and when the card meets a specific condition.
You can associate a business rule with the board using this option. In case you do not have any Business Rules created yet, you'll be prompted to create new one to associate with this board.

Find out more about Business Rules from this document .

Public Forms

Anyone around the web can submit forms to collect responses about a specific item or a product or even take surveys using Public Forms. A unique public URL will be created for each Public Form.
Public Form for the board can be newly created, or an existing public form be activated or deactivated upon clicking this option.

Learn more about Public Forms from this help document .

Conditional Fields

Conditional fields can be used to show or hide fields, sections, line items; lock or unlock fields and sections; set fields as mandatory or non-mandatory; and set values to fields in the card based on the input a user provides. Configure field actions in the board based on specific conditions using this option.

Learn more about Conditional Fields from this help document.

Email Templates

Qntrl allows you to reuse emails that doesn’t differ in format and can be saved as templates for later use. Emails can be automated from Blueprints and Business Rules by choosing a template and the corresponding recipients. Qntrl also offers a bunch of default templates that you can choose from. 

Learn more about Email Templates from this help document

Email In

Email In lets users to drop an email, which will be created as cards in the board. Every board will have a unique Email In ID using which the users can send an email for a card to be created.

To learn more about Email In, refer to this help document .


Client Scripts carry out an extra validation to the business data as it is being recorded. You can use JavaScript to run the code in the end-user's browser while creating a new card or updating an existing card in Qntrl.
Server scripts are run on the server and helps to code company specific business logic to automate the business workflows, performing time-consuming processes efficiently.

You can configure both client and server scripts using this option. Learn more about Server Scripts and Client Scripts from these help document.

Rearrange Boards     

You can prioritize the board based on your requirement by reordering them. To rearrange the boards under the My Boards  section: 
  1. Hover over the respective board.
  2. The reordering icon   will be displayed to the left.
  3. Drag and drop the board to reorder them. 

The order of the boards will be updated.
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